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I look away and I look back at Felix

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I look away and I look back at Felix.

"You are actually interrupting. Leave now".

He walks towards us and he shakes his head.

I scoff.
"No? What the fuck do you mean no?".

He stays quiet.

"You were gone for 5 years and you think you can walk up in here and act like you own the place. I have business with Lopez now leave".

He shakes his head and looks at me.

"You look so different Rosalía, guess 5 years really changes you huh?" He ask.

I nod.
"And it's Aura now, not Rosalía".

"Aura huh? I loved Rosalía though, I miss her".

I roll my eyes.
"Yeah and you left".

He goes to talk and I aim my gun pointing it at Felix's head. I pull the trigger quickly and his body falls to the ground.

I walk past Francesco and he grabs my arm.

"You just killed him and I needed him. You owe me now".

I pull my arm out of his grasp and I lean closer to him.
"I don't owe you shit, now don't get in my fucking way again. Got it."

I walk back to my car. On my way I see Juan outside with the rest of the guys and he looks shocked to see me.

"Rosalía..." he says out of surprise.

I look him in the eye for a few more seconds before I snap out of it and get in my car quickly.

I drive off and I call the guys to follow me back to the safe house.

I didn't want to kill Felix yet, but Francesco got involved and I lost focus.

Why the fuck is he even back here?

I try to keep him out of my thoughts, but it gets hard. Just seeing him and his face, his tattoos and his voice. Why do I miss that?

I'm with Rafael kinda and he doesn't make me feel that way as I do with Francesco. I tried so hard to move on and it worked but it just made me miss him more. Maybe even love him more.

I didn't even realize I got to the safe house, and I sigh. I go inside to get a lecture from Eva I bet.

I walk in and she storms towards me. Here we go...

"What did you do? That was not a part of the plan Aura."

"I know but Francesco got in the way, and I freaked out".

She shakes her head.
"I thought Ignacio would get into your head again and sabotage this for you but instead it was him. You're with Rafael now, how would this bother you?".

I ignore her question and I go to my office to put my gun away.

She follows me.
"Aura.. how would this bother you?"

Roses and Lies | Darkest Love~Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now