18 ¦ Jacob Pierce

Start from the beginning

"Send in here in the group chat."

I wince at the thought of sending it to the group chat where the others can see our little secret. If I send it there, the others will tease Amon from having a campus crush, and frankly, Margaret is a decent girl. I also don't want her to be noticed by Ian and the others when they're walking down the hallway. It's still weird that I magically care about Margaret's social status. I'm still bewildered about that, and it's been in my mind lately, after seeing her in that Art Room. What is happening to me?

"Earth to Jacob, are you still there?" The sound of Amon's voice pulls me up from my deep thought. I haven't thinking about something deep ever.

"I'm sorry, what was that again?" I scratch my head, trying to remember what was I doing.

"You were about to send me something right?" Amon sounds a bit confused on what is happening. "Jake, are you okay?"

The question caught be off-guard, not only that, Ian also chimes in. "Yeah, dude. You're acting a bit different from what you used to act."

"Agreed." Glai also joins in. I don't know what to answer them to be honest.

"I also agr—"

"Shut up, CJ." I interrupt CJ before he could say anything. "Guys, it's just the Red Bull." Yeah, sure blame it on the Red Bull. "But anyway, I'm gonna send it to you privately, not here."

I heard the boos the others been saying, as I leave the group call, I don't want them listening. Rolling my eyes, and opening up a private message with Amon. I send him the picture I took earlier, the picture where depicts Margaret's passion from art tremendously.

"Wow, she can paint?" Amon's voice has a tone of awe and amazement on what he's just seeing.

"Pretty much yeah! She's an artsy girl." I smile, staring at the picture of her with her beautiful talent.

"Wow, she's quite an artist." I could practically see him smiling at the picture. "What if I let her paint for me?"

"Uh, that's not necessary." Downing up his confidence level. "You see, she needs to finish that painting by the end of the semester."

"How did you know that?"

"We chatted for a bit, and she told me about the deadline of it." I smile at the distant memory of us chatting in the Art Room. Why am I smiling anyway?

"So, you two are friends now, huh?" Is it just me or Amon sound a bit... Sad about it?

"Nah, we're just acquaintances who need to cooperate for our project." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Okay then, who she's painting anyway?" Amon asks still confused on the sudden relationship between me and Margaret. Not gonna lie, I too will be surprised on how we get along fairly easy. Despite my attitude towards her.

"A self-portrait of herself." I say. Of course, it's a self-portrait of herself, it wouldn't be called a self-portrait if she starts painting someone else would it Jacob? God, the Red Bull effects are fading fairly quickly, or is it just me being able to adapt the effects of the Red Bull.

"Oh, cool. She's really talented, huh?"

Yeah, cool. Margaret is a cool girl. Yeah. I feel awkward talking about her in front of Amon. The guy that have a crush on her makes me feel a bit of unease. This doesn't feel right, I need to get home now.

"So, I need to go, catch ya later, and tell the others that I left okay?" I hover my mouse at the end call button. "Have fun playing and good luck!"

"Yeah sure, but before you go, do you have a number o—"

I already click on the end button before he could ask about Margaret's number. Sighing deeply and resting my whole body back on my chair. I know that was a bit rude, but I could not just give Amon her number just like that. She'll totally gonna freak out if Amon texts her without her knowing it's Amon.

Am I feeling a bit of jealousy? That can't be, I have no romantic intention with that girl. Besides, she feels like a tough girl and can take care of herself. She wouldn't fall for a guy like me and I wouldn't fall for a girl like her. I already have a girl in mind. Jasmine Hazel. The thought of her makes me smile.

Thinking about it, makes me wonder how different is Margaret and Jasmine. They're both tough, but there's just some slight difference between them that I couldn't put my lips into it. Maybe perhaps, Margaret is calmer and quieter while Jasmine is energetic and sociable. There's just something about Margaret that Jasmine doesn't have, and I don't know what.

God, why am I even thinking about this stuff? Margaret is just an acquaintance and Jasmine is just my inspiration. That's there is. Nothing special about it. I may need air, and something that distract my thoughts.

But that wasn't the case at all, because from the rest of the trip to our dormitory house, I keep on thinking about Jasmine and what I'll do when she's mine. I try to rest my head back at the car seat before heading out of the car. The question is, how will I make her mine though? I sigh leaving my car and heading towards our dorm house. As I open the door, I hear a familiar voice right inside the living room. Heading over to see if the guy I'm thinking is really the guy in the living room, and lo and behold, it is the guy I was thinking.

"Sup, Jake!" Yuri losing grip of Venieze's arm, who's now heading towards the kitchen. From all those Red Bulls in me, I feel like I can handle to be the third wheel for today. Just for today only though. "What brings you here, Jake?"

I shrug my shoulders, feeling a bit light-headed, "I just want to hang out here, you know?" I glance at the kitchen to see Venieze preparing food. "But I didn't know you two are here."

"Well, I own this dormitory house and it's just right for me and my girlfriend—" He glances at Venieze in the kitchen. "—to hang around in here." He gives me that cocky grin of his.

If I wasn't feeling light-headed, I should have punch that cocky grin of his out of his cocky face. Rolling my eyes at his direction, heading to the kitchen to get something that can rid this Red Bull in my system.

Before I even get to proceed to the kitchen, the jerk, Yuri stood up from the couch and decided to walk with me to the kitchen. "Why are you even here exactly, Jake?"

The last thing I want is a conversation with this fucker. "I said it before, I just want to hang out here, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm not buying that excuse."

Before I even get the chance to talk back to him, his girlfriend interrupts. "Babe, he looks tired. I bet the last thing he wants is hearing you annoy the crap out of him." Holy shit, I like this girlfriend of his already. Venieze turn her head towards me. "I'm sorry for his annoying behavior, he's really like that and I don't know why he's like that." Yeah, I am really digging this new girlfriend of his.

Yuri just frowns at her, and she just smiled sweetly. Damn, who knew that the only way to shut Yuri's annoying mouth is a girlfriend like Venieze. I snicker quietly at his sudden silence and grab a water jug. Even if I had like a dozen Red Bull, I'm pretty sure one single cup of water won't just magically remove all this Red Bull out of my system, but it's worth to try. Even if it didn't work, I need to find a way to wash all this Red Bull inside of me before I do something that I'll regret, and I need to do it fast because Yuri might be the one who'll trigger that impulsive action.

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