Triple E-ments Pt.7

Start from the beginning

"Han, look after them," Lucas said in a deeper voice if possible. Though it may seem so rare to see Lucas serious or mad, he does it frequently, but no matter when it happens, it always scares his friends or anyone around. He'll only show his calm and quirky side outside of missions or hanging around familiar people.

Jisung picked up Donghyuck and handed his friend over to the dizzied teammate. "Hang in there, Hyung.." He whispered, chest tightening at the thought of losing his friends.

Niki placed Xiaojun down next to the two but the shorter refused, getting up with a fight. The youngest watched with the guilt of what he had done to the other, but they can't waste any more time.

"Cover up his wound." The Japanese swordsman gestured towards Donghyuck who's breaths were so subtle. "Can you continue?" He asked the Chinese male, turning around and slicing a thrown chair in half, making sure none of the splinters or pieces hit the three.

There's a quivering breath heard from Xiaojun, voice solid. "Yes." With that, the swordsman wipes the older's blood off his cheeks.

{ The two instructors either buried their hands in their hair or buried their faces in their hands, internally panicking and worried. Two blinking red lights were highlighting the two attacked vans.

"Alright, maybe they're fine, they're fine, they're fine..." Seungkwan kept telling himself with a staggered tone. Sunoo's eyes swelled with tears, unable to create coherent thoughts.

First, Donghyuck is bleeding out to death, Han is so close to blacking out, Niki slashed Xiaojun's stomach open, and now van two and five are being attacked. What more can they worry about?

   The younger slowly reached out to switch over to the other vans, a checkup on them. "This is van number seven, reporting in on the emergency attacks. Van number two, five, if you're available and hearing this, can you give us a message; word?"


{Dammit! They must be alive!} A familiar voice is heard through the earpiece. Sunoo is subtly glad to hear at least someone.

"Seokjin Hyung?" He calls.

{Sunoo? Sh*t. They're not responding.}

{What's going to happen to them?!} Yoongi yells frantically.

   Everyone joins in, voices toppling over each other and maybe even heavy breaths heard through. Everything is jumbled up and pretty much, everyone is just ranting about the safety of the others, trying to reassure them.

{SHUT UP!!} Taehyun yells at the top of his lungs, tired of the rants and rambles. Silence. Sunoo and Seungkwan look at each other nervously, visibly gulping. {They're most likely outside of the van for God's sake- calm yourselves. You've all been instructors longer than I have- heck- haven't all of you experienced these events before?}}

   Lucas is kicked under the jaw, falling back with a stumble from the unexpected action. Jisung shoots the enemy in the thigh. The man slips and gets kicked by the boy, his foot that's wedged between the Kage Arc's neck and shoulder is grabbed, throwing him against a nearby desk. Suddenly, there's surging and sharp pain rising in Jisung's legs, cursing and throwing his head back, eyes glazed with tears. The painkillers are wearing off, his whip lashes feeling incredibly sensitive.

   The giant Chinese man wipes his chin, firing his gun at the elder man and puts him in a head lock, attempting to snap his neck. To everyone's surprise, he's struggling to twist the man's neck. It feels stiff and moves in a rusty way. "The hell?" Lucas curses when he's stabbed in his thigh. And it had to be his injured thigh, grip loosening enough for the enemy to flip them back, knocking to air out of the tall man.

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