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   All the leaders had used their card to open up a secret door. Any of their choices from library bookcases, bathrooms, training rooms, weapons rooms, to behind the garbage dumpsters. All the mafia groups began walking through the lit-up tunnels that led deep within the city of Seoul. No one knows where this place exactly ends up, but they all reach the end with another door with tons of locks and security codes. Safety measures for intruders or threats. Don't worry, from the inside, they could open the entrances easier than from the outside.

Opening the entrances, everyone stared at each other. A tight atmosphere forming, the feeling of something digging through their lungs and throats. Seventy-one mafia members inside one ginormous hideout. There were plenty of rooms for all of them, a very large dining room with a large kitchen with plenty of supplies; a dream come true to the cooks in their groups, training rooms, infirmary, weapons rooms with tons of ammo, computer labs for the instructors, a meeting table; yes, fitting all seventy-one members, this place had everything they needed. Surprisingly, it's been kept nice and clean as well.

Everyone stood there in silence. Looking at everyone with anticipation and the glares given weren't helping. Sharp eyes piercing through each other with curiosity and caution. Namjoon let out a deep and heavy sigh, everyone hearing and turning to the man.

"Let's go in the meeting room, shall we?" The leaders nodded and followed Bulletproof M into a large room. Many members were surprised with the place, looking around marvelously.

Everyone sat at their meeting tables except for the leaders and advisors. Namjoon turned to look at Seungcheol who had Wonwoo, Soonyoung, Chan, Jihoon, and Joshua by his side. Taeyong had Doyoung by his side with Kun, Ten, Mark, and Chenle. BangChan with Seungmin. Hongjoong with Seonghwa. Soobin with Beomgyu. Lastly, Jungwon with Heeseung.

They all kept stern faces, knowing that this was a serious meeting. Members around sat with straight back postures. Namjoon cleared his throat before speaking,

"Welcome... this is the first time we'll be allying with all seven mafia groups. As I've assumed, you have all been notified with a specific letter from the Triple E-ments. We have agreed and poured our blood, sweat, and tears into the protection of this city, Seoul. I am honored to have you guys cooperate and work with us." He nodded his head to all the leaders, to which they nodded as well. He gestured for Seungcheol to speak next, the younger followed.

"As you all know... there are six bombs planted around the city. I believe Taeyong has the blueprints of it, but we will be splitting ourselves into six groups. I hope all of you will cooperate and get along well." He flashed a calming smile to everyone which seemed to slightly break the tense atmosphere.

"Alright, so we've located all six bombs, sadly those Nctzens who have fallen will be recognized for their excessive help." He gestured for Doyoung to unroll the large blueprint and to display it on the projector. The younger was slightly struggling to which Jin and Jeonghan helped; the male thanking them. They flashed a smile before heading back to their leader's side.

"Team one will take the location at the Bukchon Hanok Village, team two will take the National Museum of Korea, team three will go to the Lotte Tower, team four goes to the Museum of Art, team five will be sent to Cheonggyecheon, and lastly, team six will be going to the 63 Building." Taeyong pointed at the circled places on the map. "Now, BangChan, will you give out the lists of the teams?" The leader asked politely. The younger nodded and Doyoung took the large map off the table. The screen then switched to a digital screen showing the lists of people.

Team 1 (Bukchon Hanok Village): Seungcheol, Ten, Kun, Jeonghan, Sunoo, Mingyu, Jay, Hyunjin, Jimin, Mark, Hansol, and YangYang.

Team 2 (National Museum of Korea): Taeyong, Soonyoung, Felix, Changbin, Yunho, Yeosang, Sicheng, Yuta, Wonwoo, Beomgyu, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

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