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A soft click echoed in the infirmary. Renjun heard a couple of footsteps coming in his and Jaemin's direction and flinched when someone touched his shoulder. Jolting, he turned quickly to meet eyes with familiar bunny eyes.

"Doyoung Hyung..?" His voice was hoarse and exhausted. Despite that, he felt a glimmer of hope and joy fill his senses, able to finally see the older. He untangled himself from Jaemin's arms as the younger was still in deep sleep. The Chinese boy then hugged the other taller male, welcoming him with open arms. The touch was nice. Just like the times back when he, Jeno, and Jaemin would welcome him and the Souls from returning from missions.

"I'm sorry, Renjun-ah..." The latter's voice was almost inaudible and broken, weak. The younger's heart ached at the thought of Jeno. He could feel Doyoung wrap his arms around the boy, rubbing his back in small circular motions.

It was too early for any tears, but how could he? Renjun knew that Doyoung adored his boyfriend ever so dearly and his death had a huge impact on the older as well. He softly sobbed into the taller's chest at the hidden message of his lover's loss.

"I don't know..." He slowly mumbled. "...what to do now... I don't want to leave his side- not when he needs me." The tone was desperate and weak. They parted, turning to Jaemin's sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful but once he awakens, his emotions will tell anything but.

"I know you two need each other." Doyoung softly rubbed his shoulder. "But we must follow these rules." Of course.

Missions or meetings before anything else. No excuses.

Despite everyone disliking rule five, it was the best for everyone, so 'they wouldn't be dragged down.'

"We can't-"

"I know Hyung, we already risked so many members. Now it's just my team." His tone was bitter.

Then after this, we'll fight the Triple E-ments. All together.

But that went unspoken. Doyoung was well aware though. "You... should get ready." The older finally spoke after a long season of silence enveloping them. The shorter wanted to argue back, convince the Korean male to let him stay behind. However, the older could never let it happen, no one. It was stupid and ridiculous. Even if he understood the situation, they can't risk anymore. He slowly got up from the bed, locking his eyes on Jaemin.

He turned towards Doyoung with tear-filled eyes. Please take care of him for me. Again, unspoken. The older could read people without any problems, understanding the younger before hugging him. "Don't worry, Renjun. I'll look after him like the old days..." Old days. The words echoed through their heads, surrounded in silence again. The fun times. At some point, they knew they'd have to go against something so harsh. Like a wave or storm entering, destroying everything they loved. It was heartbreaking and unbearable. Will they be alright after this? Will they all make it out? Will they win?


Their heads snapped to the door, noticing that everyone in the infirmary was now awake besides Mingi and Jaemin. Soonyoung and Kun nodded at Doyoung, a welcoming sign for their fellow 96z. Anyone born in the same year is close friends as well. Mark and Donghyuck shot up from the bed as happiness and relief filled them seeing Doyoung. The older smiled, walking over to hug them to which they hugged him back tightly.

"How are you holding?" Wonwoo asked the older. Doyoung gave a small smile towards the younger, looking at the book he was holding.

"My I"?

He looked back up before responding. "Been feeling slightly better." The taller nodded, sitting down on one of the chairs near Soonyoung. Mingyu followed his boyfriend, sitting next to him.

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