Bukchon Hanok Village

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The next day, the majority of the members walked down to the kitchen and dining room while some went to check up on the poisoned members. Some were anxious and some were still furious with the incident.

"So were there any more?" Soobin asked, brushing his hand through his messy hair. His boyfriend went over to straighten his tangled locks.

"Yes, almost all of them are," Shotaro responded.

"We need to restock on actual water this time." Namjoon looked over to Yoongi and Seokjin who nodded. Everyone turned to the doorway of the dining room when a couple of people entered. Hyunjin rested his arm on Jeongin, the younger had a worried expression on his face, but didn't speak up. Behind them, Seungmin and Minho tried pulling them back, the older among the four of them, furious with the taller's behavior.

"I said no!" Minho argued.

"Why can't you cooperate for once?" Seungmin gritted out.

BangChan and Changbin walked over to the four, bewildered that the male was awake. Everyone was surprised by his presence.

"I'm fine, everyone." He slowly stood up without his boyfriend's help.

"Are you sure...?" Jeongin was concerned for the older. The taller chuckled and rubbed his head for confirmation.

"But you're in team one. They're going today." Changbin told him.

"You're not going, are you?" The leader asked.

"I will. I'd feel quite bad if I didn't help Seungcheol Hyung and my teammates." He responded, eagerness within his tone.

Of course, he's always the generous type even if he picks fights with Minho. His leader knew that nothing was stopping the younger male and sighed. He placed a hand on his shoulder before speaking.

"Can't stop your stubbornness."

"You're alright with this?!" Seungcheol walked over to the younger leader. The male could only nod his head.

"He does what he wants to do, I can't stop him, or else he'll find his own way. I also trust his immune system, he's experienced something similar to arsenic."

"Is anyone else awake?" Jay asked, bringing Jungwon into a hug. Seungmin looked over to the two and nodded. Everyone quickly went over to the infirmary, wondering who was awake.

As they entered the room, they could see Taehyun crying in Beomgyu's arms, his boyfriend caressing his hair and whispering into the smaller's ear. The older of the two looked quite exhausted, visible dark circles underneath his eyes. TChXosT all walked over to the couple, glad that the advisor was alright.

Jaehyun engulfed his boyfriend into a hug, but not like the usual squeezing welcoming hugs for the latter to scold him, the hug was gentle and warm. The slimmer male hugged him back, a small smile on his lips as the younger cried into his shirt. The older's hands trembled, gripping onto the younger's clothes, wishing for the latter to squeeze him tighter, but he knew his body was weak at the moment. As long as he felt secure and safe within his arm, he had no problem, to say the least.

"The number of things... I want to scold you for." Doyoung's voice was weak and hoarse. Taeyong covered his mouth shaking his head.

"Scold me?" Jaehyun sniffled. "That should be me... you pushed me away like I was contagious with something." He joked.

"You sound like an old piece of instrument that hasn't been played in years." Yuta teased the younger. The younger was about to talk through Taeyong's hand but the leader beat him to it.

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