Cheonggyechon Pt.4

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Knock Knock.

   Johnny opened the door, looking down to see BangChan.

"Hello, what brings you here, Chris?" BangChan sighed.

"I... need to talk with Taeyong Hyung." Johnny raised a brow, a concerned look crossing his face.

"Is or something we should know?"

"He needs to be told first, apologies." The older understood that the leaders had to discuss plans and news before telling everyone. He opened the door wider, revealing the other leader who had a serious look on his face. The Australian male wasn't going to question how long he's stood there but gestured for the older to follow him to the meeting room.

   Once they arrived, Namjoon, Seungcheol, and Hongjoong were present, waiting for the other two; Jungwon unable to attend the meeting. The room felt empty even if it was just the five of them now. Soobin's death making the seats spacious. Lifeless.

"First off..." Seungcheol began once the leaders sat down. "We mustn't rush everyone. We need them to their full potential and strength."

"Of course." Hongjoong agreed.

"But after having more than five people poisoned and regaining their health..." Namjoon looked towards Taeyong warily. "We have Na Jaemin who's poisoned, assumed to last for a day from now on. Not only poisoned but having a high fever, life at risk. We need as many people as we can."

"Have the instructors found any cures or results to them?" Taeyong looked at the other four.

"My boyfriend has informed me that probiotics won't be effective for both the poisoning and fever this time. A slow process." Hongjoong answered.

"My husband had told me all they can do is keep him hydrated as the Tylenol hasn't taken effects on the boy. Supposed to be effective within forty-five minutes but it's been two hours. Nothing." Namjoon followed afterward.

"My husband had given me the results that..." Seungcheol took a deep breath, locking gazes with Taeyong. "... they couldn't find any results to stop the poison." Taeyong's hands balled into fists as he felt his heart drop. What was he expecting? It seemed that whenever he wished for the best, they all backfired, crushing his hopes.

"My two instructors have notified me of the same news but," He took Taeyong's attention to himself at the last words. "It's unforeseeable."

"May I know what this alternative is?" Namjoon raised a brow.

"I believe it's a drug. Ipecac." Seungcheol took out the tablet, searching for the drug in their database. "My boyfriend lashed out on Jeongin which means it's inadvisable. But that's what the Kage Arc had told the boy."

   Seungcheol's brows furrowed as he stared at the results. He passed it around the table, each leader taking a quick skim on the screen until it was lastly passed to Taeyong.

"You're saying... that the Kage Arc only told him about this?" The leader wasn't satisfied with the outcome of the revealed option.

"We do have the syrup though," Hongjoong informed the four. Namjoon nodded, recalling a time when Yoongi suggested it. Seokjin eyed the younger male, taking an argument in the younger instructor's lab.

"But." Everyone turned their heads to Namjoon. "Can we trust this?" Everyone thought for a moment. Why should they trust an enemy? Ipecac is used when someone's suspected of poisoning, forcing the victim to vomit. Do they really want the boy to suffer through the process? He'll end up being dehydrated after the procedure. "Do you trust this?" Taeyong locked eyes with the older.

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