Triple E-ments Pt.4

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The Kage Arc was punched by San, sent back a foot or two. The swordsman thrust his sword, getting caught between the razor claws of the man. Whilst distracting the untamable being, Hoseok and Jaehyun swung kicks on both sides of the Kage Arc's head. The man seemed to feel their presence, breaking the katana in half and turning to grab the men's legs. He spun them around and threw them to the shelves of ammo, boxes falling over and crashing.

It was Felix's and Changbin's turn to take the enemy's attention to them. Changbin had found a machine gun and the Australian finding kunais and a whip. When Jaehyun brought his head up from the ammo spilled over himself and the trainer, he recognized that whip. The weapon was from the Lotte Tower mission with Chenle. Oh, the pain of losing so many friends that day. Felix unraveled the whip, thrashing it to wrap around the Kage Arc's hands, and bound them. San threw the handle of his sword, finding it useless.

{You can look for a katana around the warehouse.} The swordsman looked around, taking in the large building. He frowned before replying to the Thai male.

"This place is a f*cking maze, Hyung."

{Then you either fight with a weapon that doesn't affect the enemy or find a replacement, seeing that you only work well with swords.} Ten wasn't taking complaints today. It's a win or lose, live or die situation. The younger wasn't going to push any further, a respectful man it comes to irritating people.

He sighed and turned around, making a flik-flak when the Kage Arc attempted to bear hug him and likely tear his body apart. He kicked them, knocking them over to the side. "Can you four continue distracting?" He requested.

"Of course," Hoseok answered. That was all it took for him to quickly runoff. With shock, the enemy's hands detached itself, flying towards the running swordsman with heavy chains scratching the screaming floor. It was so sudden, no one could react in time, grabbing a hold on his calve with razor-sharp fingers digging deep within the muscles. San let out a jumbled curse, holding tightly onto a nearby pole.

{Thrash the whip against the chains!} Ten ordered. Felix obliged, following instructions. The shaking chains seem to release a couple of fingers within the swordsman's leg. {Just as I thought...} Ten mumbled. {The Gougers had come across something familiar with these inventions, but probably more disturbing.} The younger attempted to continue his actions until the Kage Arc turned his attention back to the Australian. His other hand flying towards him but was shot down by the machine gun Changbin had.

   Jaehyun was now behind the man, elbow jabbing right into his right shoulder blade. The claws had finally let go of the swordsman's leg, able to breathe. Hoseok then pulled onto the detached arm that had once grabbed San's leg, wrapping the long and thick chains around the man's arms for a secure bind.

{YangYang, you know what to do.} Ten notified the younger. The said male nodded.


   YangYang at the moment was climbing above the team, hands gripping tightly onto the metal bars which held up the building and lights. He knew exactly what to do, Ten hoping that nothing goes wrong. The last time they had come across someone like this, Sicheng had almost died, saving Hendery from getting his neck torn apart. It was a hard mission indeed.


   He looked up and noticed something red glaring at him from a distance above. "Huh?"

{Don't 'Huh?' my ass!} The Taiwanese male almost lost grip on the iron bars from the sudden lash of his friend. {Get away from that thing as fast as you can!}

"But I'm not close to anything that I can land on safely!" The object was inching its way closer to him in a swift motion. Finally, when one of the light panels shone on the figure, a robotic cat was visible. YangYang glanced down, spotting the Kage Arc thrashing within the thick chains.

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