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" about your past... out family" said jungkook.

" past out family" I mummbled. I don't know why I have a felling of telling him everything.

" I don't know anything as such except the names. Eomma kim sun hee and oppa jeon jungkook." I started. ' jeon jungkook' sound more familiar, I looked at the man in front of me.

" so how do you locate the washroom in an unfamiliar place?" he asked.

" I actually don't know." I said in a low voice. " i actually have seen some weird scenes in my dreams since two months....... a burning house, eomma oppa and I playing hide and seek." I said.

The facial expression of jungkook changed, rest where listening carefully to what i was saying.

" anything else you saw?" he asked.

" eomma saying us to run way. But after coming out oppa came again and then my dream got end... but till then he was not back. And I saw... I saw a few person burning the house I was in. I saw a boy name chimmy, oppa and one more boy who was with him but I don't remember his name but indeed he was rude.... and few things like this." I said while trying the most to remember all.

Jungkook looked down and took a deep breath and then looked into my eyes.

" y/n I can't tell you all today.... you won't be able to bear that but there something we can tell you and you should know that being a daughter of mob boss. Jimin Hyung will tell you something. That is the base your past." Jungkook said and I nodded.

jimin started " there are four main mafia empire in Korea.... every other small organization come under them. Kim empire, Jeon empire, Min empire and Lee empire. They just have not formed a few years ago. There forefathers were in the same business. Kim empire is know as rose empire.... the more beautiful it looked the more harmful it can be so one have to beware. Jeon empire.... as i told you is the sanke empire, poisonous and mysterious. Other empire don't prefer having close relations with them. Min empire is the ice, they should also not be believed easily. They are filled with hatred, coldness, indifference, insensitivity etc. Now lee empire the last one, it stands for fire. They are cruel, anxious etc. I hope you are getting all?" He said. I nodded processing all.

Kim, Jeon, Min, Lee.....

" kim sun hee.... your mother was born in kim empire. She turned the fate of kims. The falling empire of kim became the strongest in the whole korea. But then your mother got married with boss Jeon by his own wish to revert everything she bought with herself." He said.

" this much is enough for today" said Jungkook. I looked at him as if can't you keep your mouth shut. After a lond story I just got something interesting.

"you can have a loom to the house" taehyung said.

Better idea. I stood up from my sit and went upstairs on the second floor. Unlike I imagined this house was pretty big. But there was something missing, I was having the feeling that I knew this place but still not that much.

I was wondering in the house making the tik tak sound of my foot wares. They three were in the roof as they told me. In first floor I saw smoke coming out of the room from the very little space left between the floor and the wooden door. I went near the wooden door, the smoke keeps on increasing. I opened the door to see the fire. This house was burning.

" TAEHYUNG! TAEHYUNG!" I shouted "the fire... house is burning."

They gave me no reply.

" JUNGKOOK... JIMIN.... TAEHYUNG" i shouted.

Did they left me alone here..... to die. Why... why for a second I trusted them?

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