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" taehyung are you still alive?" I whispered casually.
But he didn't reply......
" Kim taehyung SSI" I said again while taking out stuff from first aid kit.
I opened the cap of water bottle.

"Taehyung" I said in announce.
" what happened?" Namjoon asked.
" he is not replying" I said.
" WHAT" he said.

" AAA I am here.... why you are so eager to kill me" he said in a low voice.

I threw the first aid kit towards him.

" fine then do it yourself Kim taehyung I can't safe a person more than three time in a single night." I said.

" oh my God.... you are so..... in which most of the time you were the reason of my death" he said.

" you are injured but still you have to reply of each and every word I say" I hissed.

" if I will not you will declare me dead."

" shut up"

" mind you word jeon y/n I still have a loaded gun"

" really! then shoot me"

I cleaned his wound and the bandaged him. He was in a lateral bad condition.

" hey little kitten..... trying to hide" I voice interrupted me. I turned my head to see no one but a familiar face. But he was not so familiar that I remembered his name.

" who are you?" I said.

"oh I am sad to know that you don't remember my charming face" he said.

Taehyung gripped his gun without saying a word. I sensed that the person standing in front of me was dangerous.

"I am the one who you just have payed a visit without a notice baby kitten" he said.

' little kitten.... baby kitten' do you want to die.

" min ji hoon if I am not wrong" I said.

" aahhh I know you can't forget me.... but tell be what are you doing with this died body" he said.

" he is alive" I said.... i don't know why I can't tolerate someone calling him a died body.

Taehyung POV

" oh really.... he shouldn't be" min ji hoon said with a serious voice and raised his gun towards me.

I hold my gun tightly ready to fight.

But then I saw a knife flying towards him and he got stabbed on the wrist of his right hand the gun fall on the floor.

" dare try me" she said.


" what the f**k....  how dare you" shouted min ji hoon.

But then I thought it was a fraction of second bravery of y/n. Just the adrenaline rush.

" come near and watch me filling this places with died bodies. Do not challenge my ego." she said.

Is she possessed?

" bring that girl to me ALIVE" min ji hoon ordered.

Y/n don't say what you can't handle.

I man rushed to her. I raised my gun to see nothing but the man falling on the ground.

She is brutal. The man had a knife digged inside his neck.

The place filled with complete silence. The only sound I could hear was of chilled wind blowing.

The way she killed the man was dangerous. Min ji hoon was not with backup. He just came to kill an already badly injured man and take a 19 year defenceless girl.

Y/n picked up the man's gun, All other were watching like she was enacting an play and raised it towards min ji hoon.

" I am sorry but remember your god and family" y/n said.

" you can't kill me. If you do the gang work will start whole Korea will burn in it" min ji hoon warned.

" aaa don't tell this bull shit how your to me. Do you even know how big Korea is? And to stop the gang war killing two men would be more than sufficient. You are your ...." y/n answered.

" seems like Kim's had taught you many things" he commented.

" provoking me is never an option so leave.... I can kill this much of people in a day.... I feel sinful" y/n said.

" I will be back" he said.


" see you till then.... eat well...... stay healthy " I said.

He turned at started moving back. But I heard the voice of gun fire from behind. I turned to see a man falling on the ground....dead. I turned to see taehyung  he hand was still raised holding the gun high.

" y/n we have reached around you" namjoon informed.

" ok" I said.

taehyung looked at me " something you want to explain?"

" tell them and I will kill you" I said.

ESTIMATE: Truth Is LieWhere stories live. Discover now