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I hope his 'its dinner time' means I have to go to dining table. I don't know if those boys know how to give complete information. I left my bed and stood before mirror. I combed my hair a bit and moved out of the room.

I saw Kim taehyung coming out of a room too. It that his room? Wooo... it's just next to me. Y/n be careful.

" who sleep in this hour of the day?" He said.
" sorry?" I asked in confusion.
" you were sleeping right?" He asked.
" yes... do you have any problem." I asked him.
" its nine o'clock " he showed me his watch. " if you will sleep at this hour then what will you do in night?"
" none of your business " I said and started moving away. But.... he grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him with grate force. I almost bulged into his chest but I protected myself with my hand. " rule no. 4 don't you dare leave without my permission" he whispered in my ear.

I was continuously fighting to free myself from his strong grip. He was so close to me that I literally stopped breathing for a while. After a lot of struggle I finally free myself.
" don't you DARE do this again" I said in extreme anger but my eyes were watery. "rule no. 5 don't you dare raise your voice in front of me." He said, his eyes darted to mine. He was unbothered of hurting me. My ankle had the mark of his fingers.....

He again hold me by my arm and started dragging towards the direction of the dining table. He left my hand and sat on one of the two empty seats on the table. Food was already place, the only seat left was next to jimin. I made my way to the seat. One of the worker kept food on my plate. I picked up the chopstick.

" what happened to your hand?" Jimin asked, Dragging attention of everyone.

His words made my eyes watery.  I shock my head in nothing, having no what to Express what the hell just happened. I perfectly remember that my no word was that offensive which would drive him that crazy.... until and unless he is dead psycho.

He touched my hand and I moved my away from his reach. " I am fine" I only word escaped my mouth. Rest of the dinner was quite silent, all of them were having a quick glance of me in between except Kim taehyung.

After the dinner, I straight away went to my allotted room. Tears were flowing down from my eyes, this time these tears were not of pain but of anger. I entered my room and smashed the door, it made a very loud sound. I stood in front mirror my eyes were blood shot red. I looked at my ankle, his finger marks were no more there but they are on my heart which are hurting me.

What.... what do he think of himself...what to they think of themselves? I hit my arm against the mirror. The mirror broke down into pieces and my hand started bleeding heavily. Mirror pieces really went deep inside my skin.

Kim taehyung broke the door of my room with kick of his.

" what the hell happened here?" he shouted and others started gathering on my door. He moved inside looking at the broken pieces of mirror, blood and my hand bleeding. " do you hear me? what happened?" he asked again while moving towards me. For the first time I saw some expression in his eyes, he was actually worried.

" don't come near me" I warned in rage. But he was still moving towards me.

" y/n what happen" asked jin, his voice was soft and full of worry but I was completely crazy at the moment. I picked a piece of mirror and put it near my neck. " I said do not come near me, stay away." I said again my eyes were watery. " y/n your hand is bleeding" said taehyung. "y/n is everything fine?" said jimin. 

" fine.... no nothing is fine. I am kidnapped for no reason, did I kill someone? why I am here..... than you are coming up with you weird task..... don't flinch... and ya those dreams which are driving me crazy almost every night. I am going literally mad. What all I see... what all I know... sometime make sense sometimes seems like a joke. After making a deal with you I am still treaten like an animal here. Do you think I am fine. I am a human do you even remember that..."

author's note  

hey guys... sorry to those who were waiting for an update. And thank you for reading. Now y/n in on active mood with every chapter you will see y/n's magic.

thank you.... stay tuned....  

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