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" as if he?" y/n ignored namjoon's question and repeated her's.

" y/n.....why didn't you run" he said again. y/n was no more interested in this game. She got the answer and now she have some one else to answer but why joon hyung did this.

This is also a betrayal.

But in between y/n hissed in pain. She touched the left side of her stomach and looked to her hand back. It was all bloody.


Jimin is chimmy. That means they all are closely related to eomma but I can't trust namjoon he might be saying this all for the information. 

Suddenly my eye sight started to blur..... my head becoming heavy and then I felt something on my t shirt. There was blood all over there. I previously ignored it as I thought it was of kim taehyung.

" Y/n" namjoon called me.

" yes?" I said.

" what happen?" 

" nothing" my last words what I remember. I was like durged.               


"e-eomma........ eomma, eo-mom-a(mom)" tears were flowing down my eyes. I was tightly holding oppa's hand.

The smoke billowed black across the room, filling my lungs. The coughing was intense as were the tears that washed over my eyes. I was unable to breathe. I said while coughing heavily "op... oppa, I a-am unable to brea-athe. This smell is going into my nose. Where i-is the smoke co-oming from?"

" y/n, we need to get to eomma. Ok?" Oppa said while tightening his grip on my hand, giving me an assurance that he was there and I was safe. His voice sounded like the words were formed of smoke, his lungs charred.

The air smelt of burning, acrid, chemical infused and choking - no wonder oppa could barely speak.

" y/n, kook, don't come here, it's not safe." I heard eomma shouting but I was not able to see her.

"eomma, we are coming to you, please wait." I plead.

"No! I said, wherever you are right now run outside. You both have to survive. At any cost you have be safe."

" but eomma you-"

" why aren't you both listening to me. Get out of here right at the moment. This is an order........ kook now. Take y/n and leave right now." Eomma shouted again and this time she accentuated on her words even more and oppa couldn't oppose.

" Eomma! I am scared. Let's not play this game anymore. Eomma come out please." I cried.

" Kook take y/n outside now." Eomma said slowly like she was no more able to shout.

We rushed towards the main door, it was all dark and smoky, we crashed into the door and then all black out.

" y/n, stay here. I am going to find eomma. I'll come back. I promise. Wait for me, okay?" he asked me. I barely opened my eyes. "ok y/n? Wait here." I slightly nodded.

I saw him running towards the furiously burning house.

After a while, when there was no one by my side. When I was all alone in the garden with my wet cheeks. I was terrified. He was not coming out as he promised, neither he nor eomma one.

"Oppa.... eomma. Come out, please ,the door is open." I was shouting, pleading, crying.

In front of my eyes, my house was burning. The fire was increasing rapidly I was able to feel the heat all over my body even being that far from it. I was not able to see that destruction anymore. I closed my eyes, my voice was trembling and I was still calling for them and then there was an extremely loud noise.


" y/n!!! Come-on let's play hide and seek" a small boy said me.... he was oppa.

" oppa!!" I explained.

" come fast eomma is ready to play with us" he stated again. I smiled.

"Who's turn" a voice interrupted. I turned "Eomma's" I and oppa shouted together and then laughed looking to each other.

"Ok I will count only till 10. Hide quickly. " eomma said.

She turned and closed her eyes. And started counting. Oppa and I was running here and there to find a perfect place to hide.
In 5 seconds or so oppa hide so well that I was not able to see him. And I was still running here and there and struggling to hide. I heard eomma saying that she was coming...

I quickly ran towards the nearest window and hide behind its long beautiful curtains.

There were two man standing and talking. I was having no intention to hear there conversation but I heard them speaking as they were so loud "madam jeon house is set on fire according to boss...... orders."

Then I was saw a large caught fire is coming towards me from the corridor.

I started running, shouting and then fell on the floor in panic. My eyes got widen the curtain of which I was hiding behind was now nothing but ash. My vision got burl.


" we have got a letter from kim sun hee." I heard a voice of a small boy in a wooden house.

"hey you behave" I shouted, I was a small girl.

"hey...... don't you dare accuse for wrong things. When did I misbehaved?" the boy said, he was older then me( in childhood).

"that's eomma's name. how dare you speak that like this." I said slowly in his ear. His expression changed. " sorry!! I didn't knew" he whispered and I chuckled. In the mean time, two boys entered the room.
" hey why are you laughing.... you fooled me?" he asked. " noooo" I said, still laughing. " what's with you?" One of the boys came from out asked. " ask chimmy" I said without stopping giggling. " well?" The boy asked. " who is Kim sun hee" chimmy asked. " hey keep your voice low that anuty jeon" the other boy said. " oppa look at his face" I said. " v are you sure?" Asked chimmy. " asked her the time to meet her. " v said. " y/n am your best friend how can you laugh at me like this?" chimmy said. " who told you that?" I asked and started running away from the boys.
" chimmy! Chimmy! My best friend can catch me."



" what do you want?" I heard an annoyed voice, but familiar. I tried my best to open my eyes. 

Slowly..... everything started to clear. Jimin was sitting in front of me. He was irritated. 

I was in a hospital. Many machinery attached to me.

I tried to make my view clearer. 

" who are you?" I asked in a low voice.

" your father's killer................................. I will be" 

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