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That's it! This was the end. But still a very small part of my heart was saying to me y/n relax he was the one who saved your life. I closed my eyes, not ready for the thing going to happen the next.

" open your eyes" he said in deeper  than his deep voice, his voice was loud and clear, but my conscience stopped working. Actually I was preparing myself for my possible death. He repeated his words in the same tone, no anger nothing... coldness flows in his voice.

I slowly opened my eyes. The moment I did so, I saw him pressing the trigger. I was not at all ready for this. I immediately closed my eyes and shouted as if the bullet hit me. But I heard the sound of bullet colliding from a bit far. I opened my eyes, all seven boys and two girls gave me ' what was that?' look.

" hyung she is good for nothing." said the dough eyes.

" I feel the same" said taehyung with ' so done' looks on his face.

Jimin sighed and asked " hyung do you really think y/n should be a part of tomorrow's event?"

" I don't have any choice either. This is what we are ordered for." namjoon said.

" I don't think with this attitude of her, she is not going to make out live moreover this is dangerous for both our aim and us" said yoongi.

I was just looking their faces.

" excuse me" said namjoon and left the room.

For a few minutes whole room was filled with disappointed and silence. Then namjoon again enter the room. " if she died that's her problem." said namjoon. " if she died we just have to send her died body to her appa for a proper funeral." he ended.

My eyes widen. Why the hell they always bring appa in all this shit.

" she is the only heir of jeon empire. If she died jeon empire will collapse." said namjoon.

"sounds good" said the dough eyes. Each word came out of his mouth make me hate him even more than ever.

" are you sure?" asked jimin with so much of concern on his face.

"yes" said namjoon.

" you can leave jeon y/n" said hoseok, he was so done with me but I don't care.

I said nothing and left. By now I was aware of the way to my room.

I went straight to my room. It was literally a long and tiring day. I went to the bed and closed my eyes. I was really thinking should I die, what actually I am trying to do and the chain of thoughts started and I didn't realise when I fall asleep.

" we have got a letter from kim sun hee." I heard a voice of a small boy in a wooden house.

"hey you behave" I shouted, I was a small girl.

"hey...... don't you dare accuse for wrong things. When did I misbehaved?" the boy said, he was older then me( in childhood).

"that's eomma's name. how dare you speak that like this." I said slowly in his ear. His expression changed. " sorry!! I didn't knew" he whispered and I chuckled. In the mean time, two boys entered the room.
" hey why are you laughing.... you fooled me?" he asked. " noooo" I said, still laughing. " what's with you?" One of the boys came from out asked. " ask chimmy" I said without stopping giggling. " well?" The boy asked. " who is Kim sun hee" chimmy asked. " hey keep your voice low that anuty jeon" the other boy said. " oppa look at his face" I said. " v are you sure?" Asked chimmy. " asked her the time to meet her. " v said. " y/n am your best friend how can you laugh at me like this?" chimmy said. " who told you that?" I asked and started running away from the boys.
" chimmy! Chimmy! My best can catch me."

" y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice. I open my mouth to reply but was unable to speak. The voice started becoming louder." Y/n"
I opened my eyes.
" yesyes" I said.
" are you okay?" I heard a Male voice but I was not able to recognize the face.
" chimmy?....." i looked at confusion to the man. "Oh.... jimin ssi"

He was still looking at me. His expression were like he saw a ghost. "Jimin SSI?" I slowly said. " its dinner time" he said and left.

Y/n POV end

Jimin POV

" Jin Hyung jin Hyung...... can I go to call y/n for dinner " I asked him slowly.
" no" said taehyung.
" I am going " I said and started moving.
" Hyung, no please " said jungkook
" its enough jungkook... she is also my-" I said annoyed but cut of by jungkook
" Hyung please" he said again
" jungkook, do you even believe me... what do you think of me? Make it clear. Am I the only fool here." I said in extreme irritation.
" Jimin, there is nothing to get so angry upon" said taehyung.
" fine you can go Hyung, we believe you " said jungkook.
I left the room without saying anything and made my way to y/n's room.

Sometime we have to do these kind of things. They think they can stop me, but I am also PARK JIMIN.

I knocked her door but she didn't reply. I checked the door, it was opened. Silly her... may be she forgot to lock it. I went in the room she was deep in her sleep. I went near her bed she started saying something. I leaned towards her to hear what she was saying " my bestfriend can catch me" I moved back. " y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" She started becoming uneasy. " y/n" I shouted. She opened her eyes " yesyes". " are you okay?" I asked. "Chimmy.?.... oh jimin SSI" she said. What did she just say? Are my ears working or what? " jimin SSI?" She said pulling me out of my thoughts. "its dinner time " I said and left.
" hey you are here where is she?" Jin Hyung asked. " coming " i said.

ESTIMATE: Truth Is LieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora