Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail

Start from the beginning

Tom didn't hesitate. He left the cell but kept his distance from Peterson.

"Please take a seat. I know you wish to leave, but first, I have a few questions. I am Barrister Hollis. Tell me how you receive your injuries."

He pointed at Peterson. "When I tried to explain that I was there to feed the dog, he dragged me here anyway saying I was caught breaking into my friend's house. I have been feeding David's dog while he is visiting his sister."

"Was the window broken?"

"He threw a rock at me and missed. It hit the window."

"Are there any witnesses to this act?"

"Missus Jeffries, his neighbor next door was sitting on her porch. She saw it. We'd been talking before I went to feed the dog and let him out in the backyard. When I told the magistrate this, he hit my jaw and knocked me down. The whole town is afraid of him. Before he threw me in this cell, he socked me in the side."

"That's just the evidence I need," Dalton said as he stepped forward. "Hollis, go with Mr. Brown and get a statement from Missus Jeffries. On your way out, will you please send Winston inside?"

"He's lying to get away with what he did!" Peterson shouted.

Dalton calmly told him, "We shall hear from the witness. If what you say is true, there is no need to worry."

"Then you can come and find me. I'm going home." Peterson started to leave, and Radley stepped in his way.

"Sit down or I will make you. I'm a fine pugilist. I've studied it for years at Jacksons. I'm sure you've heard of that establishment." Radley watched him go to the desk and sit down.

Winston stepped inside just in time to hear Radley's statement. "May I be of help, Milord?"

"Yes, you can lock Peterson up in that cell. I have enough to hold him for now."

"Yes, your lordship." Winston motioned him forward, and Radley backed out of the way.

"You can't do that! You have nothing on me."

"I have reasonable suspicion. After we speak with the witness, if she doesn't confer you will be released. But then, we have other reasons for arresting you."

Dalton told Radley, "This is working out quite well." After he watched Winston close the door, he told him, "Shall we put Lord Milton in there with him?"

"Right away."

Winston left to get him, and Radley stood by the door to the jail. "It does no good to have a magistrate who is worse than a thief." The man only frowned.

Hollis came back inside alone. "I have the witness's signature. I also told Mr. Brown he could go home."

"Excellent work, George." Dalton saw Radley open the cell as Winston and Hawkins brought Lord Milton inside. Once the door was locked, Dalton told him, "Shall we take a walk? I believe we have a house to look at for evidence."

Before they left, he told Winston, "I will leave it to you and Hawkins to load the paperwork for transportation. I saw some twine on top of the cabinet. I'll bring a shirt or something to wrap it in." Dalton explained.

"Aye, your lordship. Do you need the location of the place you are looking for?"

"I will find it, Winston. Thank you." He moved towards the door.

Radley started to come but paused asking, "Father? Do you wish to join us?"

He had been leaning against the wall fanning his face with a stack of papers. "Radley, I believe I shall go in search of getting us all something to drink and perhaps some food. We missed lunch."

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