Ryuuen's (K) Cafe'

Start from the beginning

"No, don't worry about it. Anyway, uhh, did you need something?" I asked.

"Ah! Right, right. I don't know if you've heard, but Class C actually opened up their own cafe." She said. I see where this is going... I think?

"Yeah, I've heard of it..... What about it?" I asked.

"Well, Ichinose-san wanted to actually go with you for some reason, but she was called by Hoshinomiya-sensei, so she asked me to invite you and if possible, wait for her. She said she won't take long." Amikura explained.

"I see... Well, I don't mind I guess. I was a bit curious about the cafe anyway." I said. If I didn't know how to keep myself composed and my poker face, I might've revealed to her that I was very happy about that. Not the fact that I'm going to be in the cafe with two girls, but the fact that I can go to the cafe without going through the trouble of trying to invite someone.

"It's settled then! Let's go." She said as she pulled me by my wrist. 

~A few moments later.~

After a bit of walking, we reached the cafe and the name of the cafe that I had been so curious about has been revealed and I must say, whoever named this must either be a straightforward guy or just flat-out has a bad sense for naming things.

"...Karma cafe....." Amikura muttered in a low voice. 

"Shall we go in?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

"Ah, Ayano- Ahem. Welcome to Karma Cafe, where we only serve what you deserve." No way... Ishizaki in a butler suit, what a sight... Wait, would that mean Ryuuen is also..... Heh. Anyway, what Ishizaki said was interesting, does that mean we won't get to choose what we get or something? Or is it just some kind of gimmick where they give all there customers the same stuff for different prices to earn more points? Well, either way, it's their win no matter how you look at it. Maybe I should try and bring Ryuuen to our class, join forces with him, I help him and Horikita reach Class A, and in return, I'm going to ask him to start businesses for us to earn points... Yeah, as if that's going to happen.

"This way, sir and, er... ma'am." Ishizaki said as he guided us to a table. He also eyed Amikura with a weird look. Not in a perverted way, but rather... Curious? Oh is it because I'm with her and he thinks I'm cheating on Kei or something? 

"Here're your seats. Please wait a second, I'll get you a server." Ishizaki talking in a formal way is so... Weird and out of place, it's almost comparable to me laughing out loud. 

Amikura and me sat down as Ishizaki walked away to get us a waiter, and once we sat down, it hit me...

"...Shouldn't we have asked for a table for three?" I asked Amikura.

"Ah... Right, should we ask someone from the staff?" She asked and I just nodded, and just as I was about to call for one of the waiters, a man stopped at our table, more specifically, in front of me. It was Ryuuen, and just as I had imagined, he was in a suit... Wow, it's way funnier than I had imagined.

"Welcome to the Karma Cafe, we got yer orders here. I would just like to confirm 'em." He said. Rather than being embarrassed of what he was wearing, it seemed like he was proud and, well, as usual, he looks like he's planning something.

"Ah, excuse me. Before that, can we ask to be moved to a table that's good for three people?" Amikura asked.

"Sorry, but that won't be possible, as mentioned by our front man earlier, you get what you deserve... And yes, that applies even if you're waiting for someone." Ryuuen said. Makes sense? Wait, does it?

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