I looked at her with confusion and a hint of worry. She chuckled and slapped my hand. "I'm joking Enzo...He has not kill every man." She grinned. I smiled and reached forward for her hand. I was being bold, daring and it might pay off.

I held her hand in mines and interlaced our fingers. Fuck me. "I need to know what you want." I said as I looked into her beautiful eyes. They sparkled like obsidian gems. She looked into mines. "I want some tequila." She smiled knowing full well that she was teasing me. "Lira." I shook my head.

Her hand fit into mines perfectly. Her skin was soft and it felt so fucking right. I wanted to never let go. "What do you want?" She asked me instead. "I want to see you everyday." I admitted. Saying that I wanted her might come on too strong, so I refrained from saying that.

She let go of my hand and looked at me. "Enzo." She started. I held up a finger. "Just another date." I said. Oh fuck. She didn't feel the same.

She sighed and ran her painted nails over her jeans. "I really enjoy talking to you but I'm leaving for Albania tomorrow. I probably won't see you again." She looked at me.

Before I could speak, she smiled. "However, for you Enzo, I'll give you one chance to get me to stay."

"Go on." I said intrigued to know what she had in mind. She smiled and stood up. "Let's go back to yours."

I rubbed my face. "Why?" I asked. "I've just said let's go back to yours. Are you really questioning me?" She grinned. Oh fuck. She was right, why was I questioning her. She just makes me forget everything because all I could see was her.

We took her motorbike to mines, I drove since she did not know the way. It also gave me an excuse to have her arms wrapped around my waist for a change. The way she held onto me sent tingles up my spine. She tightened her grip when I sped up dangerously so I did it more.

When I stopped at the gates, I was let in without so much a second glance. I noticed the guards stare at Lira and I couldn't blame them. Who wouldn't.

I opened the front door and led her inside. I couldn't see or hear Raphael so I assumed he was sleeping. Lira looked around while smiling.

"That's a nice painting." She pointed out. I looked across at the painting. It was an abstract piece of flowers. "I suppose so. My mom brought it." I said.

"You don't like art?" She questioned. "Not particularly. It doesn't interest me." I sighed and rubbed my neck. The rooms were dark and the only light coming in was from the moon. It captured her face perfectly, her eyes shone brightly.

"What does interest you?" She asked as she turned to face me. "Why this masterpiece right in front of me." I grinned. She let out a short chuckle. "Very cheesy. Where is your gym?" She asked.

"Firstly, what makes you think we have a gym and secondly, it was not cheesy at all." I folded my arms. She chuckled and sighed. "Oh Enzo. You definitely have a gym and it was definitely cheesy."

I shook my head in defeat and led her to our gym room. I turned on the lights but she turned them off. I looked at her in confusion. "If you want me to stay, you have to beat me in a fight." She said as she walked over to a matted area.

"A fight?" I furrowed my brows as I stood still. "Yes Enzo. Come on." She grinned. Fucking hell. So I had to beat her in order for her to stay. Simple enough.

I walked over to her and unclasped my watch from my wrist. I placed it to the side and watched her tighten her ponytail. I looked at her. "I'm actually excited at the prospect of beating you." I smiled.

"We shall see about that shaka (fucker)." She said calling me a swear in Albanian. I smirked. "A është ajo më e mira që mund të bësh kurvë? (Is that the best you can do bitch?)" I replied in Albanian. Her mouth dropped open. I don't know whether she was shocked that I could speak Albanian or at the fact that I called her a bitch.

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