Kitten sneezes~ Sick!Crypto x Octane

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Gift for yourLocal6DareDevil9

Plot: Crypto is sick, and Octane ends up keeping him company.

Narrator POV

The hacker rested in his bed, groaning as he was more of a coughing and sneezing mess.

Earlier in the day, Crypto was forced to not participate in the Apex games because of his sickness. To put it simply, it was nothing more than a flu that would end if he got plenty of rest and fluids.

Although Lifeline was meant to help, she became quite busy when hearing that a relative of hers needed support. They were going to receive a surgery that could changed their life forever, and they needed all the support they could get.

But Tae didn't mind being alone. He liked the solitude, even if no one was there to help him. He was always the introverted, asocial type of person.

Perhaps that is why Octane loves him.

Opposites do attract, after all...

The door opened, and there had shown the daredevil's figure.

"Wassup Tae?" He greeted the sick legend, clearly feeling cheerful as usual.

Crypto rolled his eyes, and weakly replied, "Wh-What are you doing here?" It hurt for him to speak up, so he was forced to communicate relatively quiet, though Octane could still hear him.

"I just wanted to see mi amor!" He chuckled, "Poor Tae, you don't look so good!"

"You think? I've been stuck in bed for hours, idiot..." Crypto snarled at the speed demon. The Korean legend had not been happy throughout this entire experience.

Octane sighed, "Look amigo, I just wanted to keep you company. Being sick is no good, especially for you..."

He really did care? Why did Octane care so much about Crypto? Was it really a difficult question?

Tae smiled lightly, "Heh, nice to know you care, kid."

The shorter male pouted, "I'm not a kid!"

Crypto laughed, "Sure you aren't~"

Both males ended up enjoying each other's company, and as much as Tae didn't want to admit it...

He really liked being around Octavio...

"So Tae, is there anything I can do to help, amigo?" The Mexican male asked. Although he wasn't a doctor, his time with Lifeline did teach him a few tricks, so he could help in a way.

Crypto shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but-"

Before the hacker could continue, he was interrupted by sneezing. His own sneezing.

It sounded like a kitten.

Octavio gasped, "Tae, you sneeze like a kitten! So cute!"

Crypto's face was a shade of red, which was presumably from having a fever. "N-No I don't, idiot!" Then he sneezed once again.


The demon snickered, "Awh, ¿es mi amor un lindo gatito?"

Tae blushed deeply, and turned away from the speed demon. "Sh-Shut up..."

Octavio smiled, "Don't worry amigo, I love your kitten sneezes~"

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