My lesbian hero~ Loba x Bangalore

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Plot: Bangalore becomes protective of her girlfriend when they hang out in a bar, and a man tries to flirt with the bisexual legend.

Bangalore's POV

"Are you sure you don't want some wine as well, babe?~" My girlfriend asked.

I shook my head. "No thanks. I'm not really into wine. And honestly, I don't plan on drinking too much..."

She smiled, "Good choice, Annie~"

I turned to Mirage, who was the bartender. "Some liquor for me. Just a shot glass."

He nodded, "Sure thing, Bangs!" The bisexual mess known as Mirage turned around to grab a shot glass and some liquor. He poured the liquid into the small cup, and gave it to me.

"Thanks." I handed him 5 dollars. Elliott took the money, and went to serve others.

I turned around to check on Loba, and she had stood up. "Would you like to dance, dear?"

I grinned, admiring her beautiful, silver dress with gold trim, and her beautiful, dark chocolate hair. This is the same woman I fell in love with...

She offered a hand, which I gladly took. Loba led me to the dance floor, and we began having a great time.

I wasn't much of a dancer, or very good at it, but I was having fun with Loba, and she was enjoyed herself.

After a while, we sat back at a table, and began talking with each other.

"It was such a relief when you saved me from Wraith last match. She really thought she could win, but you wouldn't let your princess down~" Loba teased me.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I began chuckling. "Yeah, I enjoyed those times. Really wouldn't have been the same without you..."

"Aw, isn't that sweet?~" She purred.

Everytime Loba flirted with me, I lost my cool. I used to hate it, just like I used to hate her.

But I should have known that being a lesbian put me risk to falling in love with her.

Loba stared into my eyes. I could see the lovely spark in her soul, the one that made my heart melt.

Though, this moment was interrupted when a male came over to the table, and tapped Loba's shoulder.

"Hey sexy~" He greeted. "Wanna have a dance?~"

"Sorry beautiful, but I'm taken~" Andrade apologized.

He growled, "I'm not taking no for an answer. Where is your boyfriend?"

Loba bursted out laughing. "Boyfriend? I have a girlfriend!" The thief pulled me closer to her, and kissed my cheek.

I looked at his face, and I could see the disgust in the man's eyes. "That's disgusting, you fa-"

"How about you shut up?" I spoke up. The slur he was about to use was very offensive to me.

"Back up, negro." He pushed me, and grabbed Loba, who had gasped. "I'll turn you straight in one night~"

Loba was growling, "Let me go right now before you learn how it feels to get hurt by a beautiful woman!"

The obviously drunk male chuckled, "Awh...what are you gonna do?~"

"Let. Her. GO!" I punched the man square in his face, and kicked his crotch.

He let go of Loba, and bawled all over the floor.

I held her hand, "You alright, Silver Silhouette?" It was a nickname I loved giving her.

She kissed my cheek. "I am thanks to you, My lesbian hero~"

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