What is love? Pathfinder x Reader

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Your POV

I was just reading a Revenant x Reader fanfiction (reference to mine!)  because Mirage said it would be funny. It was not funny, to say the least.

Rev is creepy. He always stares at me, like he is going to kill me!

Anyways, I got up to have a serious talk with Mirage. When suddenly, Pathfinder appeared at my door.

I was startled by the MRVN. "Oh, hey Pathfinder!"

Pathfinder greeted me back with a friendly tone. "Hi friend! What are you doing?" He asked.

I laughed, "I was just going to have a talk with Mirage about something..."

Pathfinder seemed curious. "What was it about?"

I blushed out of embarrassment. Pathfinder did NOT need to read the fanfiction. "It's uhm...none of your business...sorry Path." I told him.

Pathfinder looked sad for a moment, but cheered up within seconds. "Anyways friend, I have a question for you!" He exclaimed, obviously excited to ask me.

"What is it, bud?" I hinted at the MRVN to go on.

Pathfinder then asked, "What is love?"

I was surprised by his question, and I blushed lightly.

"Oh...well, love..." I was trying to find out how to explain this to Path.

"Love is a deep connection to someone you care about. It's like having a passionate affection for them. You want them to be happy, and you want to put them first. They are the person who doesn't complete you, but rather is your partner in life. Almost like a best friend, but more affectionate. There are different types of love. You can have a platonic love for your friends or family, or...you can love someone romantically, where you feel a deeper passion for them than anyone else in the world..." I finally explained to my robot friend.

Pathfinder processed all of this information. It was confusing to him at first, but he seemed to grasp the concept.

"Hoe do I know if I love some in that way, friend?" He asked me.

"Well, based on my experiences with the one I love, you'll want to be with them all the time. You will feel figurative butterflies in your stomach. Everything will be fuzzy. It's...nice." I informed Pathfinder.

The MRVN then had heart emojis on his emotion box. "I may not feel exactly like that, but I know I am in love, thanks to you, friend!" Pathfinder beamed.

I sighed, knowing that his love interest could not possibly be me. "Well, who is it, Path?"

Pathfinder answered my question, "It's you, friend! I love you, (Y/N)!"

I blushed once again, even deeper this time. I didn't expect Pathy to feel the same way!

"Pathfinder...I...I love you too!" I cried out.

I pulled the MRVN in for a hug. He gladly accepted it back. He does love hugs after all!

"So friend (Y/N)...will you go on a date with me?" Path asked curiously.

Is that even a question?! Of course!

I giggled, "Yes Path. I would love to go on a date with you!"

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