(Also comment who's outfit you like the most because they are all so cool)

"Carl be safe," Rick whispered hugging his son tightly,
"I will dad, I will,"
"Carl I don't know what I would do if you died, I want you to know that you, along with Judith, mean the world to me,"
"You mean the world to me too dad,"
"Along with Judith and of course Fleur, am I right?"
"Very right,"
"Fleur is your world, I can tell by the way you look at her. Its how I used to look at your mother."
Rick looked at the ground and it was like he was going to cry, but he pushed it away.
"And if anything happens to me, you look after the group son, you raise Judith and you make me proud."
Carl wiped away a tear,
"Of course dad,"
There was a small moment of silence as they straightened themselves back up and stopped crying,
"Ill see you after."

Katelyns point of view
It hadn't been a good week, I'd lost Pedro and now I had to recover ever so quickly to win this war.
It hurt that there wasn't time for mourning, or a proper funeral, because I felt like he deserved that. Even being the stubborn, simple-minded person he was.
I missed him, but I didn't miss the ever-lasting fights between him and Tom. It felt like now Tom was at peace, and that was good.

Me, Tom, Fleur, Carl, Isla, Andy and baby Judith all spent the night before together- incase it would be our last.
Everyone seemed to think I was thinking so negatively, but I thought I was just being realistic.
Even Rick said it- someone was probably going to die.

At 6 am everyone gathered in the front field to say final goodbyes and what not.
Carl and Fleur started snogging like there was no tomorrow and Andy and Isla, while Tom just gave me a hug.
I could tell he was scared, and I decided to keep my negative/realistic thoughts to myself around him.

"Stay by my side, we will fight together, I don't want to loose sight of you," Tom whispered in my ear,
"But Rick said we would fight better split up-"
"He doesn't need to know, and plus I heard that Carl and Fleur were doing it anyways,"
"What about Andy and Isla?"
"They aren't, they are following Ricks instructions. But it doesn't matter, I don't want to loose you okay?"
I paused before finally nodding,
"Yeah, okay."

Everyone formed a circle and Rick went to stand in the middle. He pulled out a piece of paper that I thought might be a speech, but he reevaluated and stuffed it back in.
Everyone went silent as soon as his mouth opened,
"As you are all aware, today is a huge day. A huge day for history, for us, for Woodbury," he cleared his throat, "We have lost so many people along the way, people we loved dearly, people who should be remembered for their sacrifices and contributions.
Maggie and Fleurs mother, Katelyn's parents wherever their souls may be, Islas parents too. Sophia, Shane, Dale,"
Rick started tearing up at the mention of all their names,
"My beautiful wife Lori, Andrea, and Milton who we did hardly know- but he helped us out and guided us."

Everyone sniffled in tears including me, these people were family, and to think we could loose more family was enough to make me sick.
"We will fight our hearts out today, in memory of those we lost, and in preparation for our future,"
Everyone cheered,
"People will thank us, because we will be known for restarting this world, in the best and most genuine way."
There were deafening cries and cheers from the group as Rick rubbed his eyes and joined us all.
He gave everyone a hug and then came over to me.
"Your strong, don't let him weaken you."

I will never forget those words that left his mouth as he pulled away from the hug and walked away to grab his weapon.
It left me questioning, what did he mean? Who was weakening me?
The Governor?
The walkers?
But although these options would all make sense, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was deeper.
I felt like he meant Pedro, or the loss if him perhaps.

I had to admit, it had weakened me, the days after he died I hadn't been the same.
And of course, that had to stop, because now I was in a life or death situation.

Maggies point of view
"I love you Glenn," I cried into his shoulder, then I kissed him multiple times all over the face. Through his sobbing he chuckled at me,
"I love you too."
I finally shook away from his grasp and gave him one final, meaningful kiss. Then I went to find my sister.
"Fleur," I said, running up to her and pulling her into my arms.

She started crying the minute I touched her,
"It'll be fine, we'll be fine," I reassured myself and her, but I sounded like an idiot because I clearly wasn't fine.
"Don't leave me Maggie, please be safe," she said wiping her eyes,
"I will, but you be safe too! I love you," I gave her a final kiss on the forehead and realised that I really had to be quick because the Governor could arrive any second.
"Lets go and say goodbye to daddy," I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her with me.

"Girls," our dad said pulling us both into his arms, he gave us kisses and sighed looking us up and down.
"You've grown," he said, half laughing,
"Yeah dad, you only just realised?" I laughed at him too,
"Well no, but oh, it feels like you were just this big yesterday," he put his hands out showing the size of a baby.
"Yeah, no, its been sixteen years," Fleur chuckled.

When he let us go we waved at him walking away.
I was scared shitless.

Sasha's point of view
"Keep me updated Tyrese," I ordered, "Make sure you constantly come over to me so I know you're still alive okay?" I grabbed his face to make him look me in the eyes, "OKAY?"
"Yes Sasha, okay, okay," he pushed me away, "I'm the same age as you ya know, I'm not five?"
"Yeah well sometimes you act like it, " I joked, giving him a quick smooch that he wiped away.

Once we were separated I walked over to Michonne who's outfit was smoking hot,
"Looking good girlie," I said hugging her, "I know you'll do amazing in the fight, but just incase..."
I grabbed her wrist and tied a small friendship bracelet around it tight, I had made it from threads of our old jumpers.
"Oh Sasha its beautiful, ill take good care of it," she said with a smile.

I wasn't that scared for the war surprisingly, because I had the strong feeling that we were going to win just like most people.
But I was terrified, however, incase one of our friends wound up dead.

Me and Tyrese had only joined the group about a month ago, but there was a definite strong connection, we fitted right in.
I was going to do whatever I could to protect these people, seeing how generous they had been.

Nobodys point of view
Once everyone in the group had all their ammo, weapons and everything they needed, they all lined up in their positions in the front field- about ten meters away from each other.

They waited outside in the blistering sun for about an hour, before they knew they had to take a break.
They separated from their places and gathered to gulp down their drinks and talk,
"The Governor obviously isn't coming early," Rick said glancing at his watch, "Its almost 1:00."
"Maybe he's attacking at sun down? In the dark?"
Isla suggested,
"That would just make it harder for us and him," Rick sighed, "I don't think he would do that, we should get back to positions and wait out the rest of the day."

The Governors point of view
"We almost there?" I asked Martinez in the back seat of my truck,
"We are sir, I estimate another 20 minutes at the most."
I nodded and tilted my head back to the road.
It was currently 2:00, hopefully the people at the Prison were getting restless and impatient.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, I was so excited. The thought of going in there and claiming what should be ours was just so amazing to me.
And we were going to win, I was positive of it.

Although I shouldn't've been.

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