Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Start from the beginning

She came to know about this, so she understood and realize that he of course loved her and he did it for her, he did that to protect her, so her hate towards the girls was useless.

After she knew the whole truth, Erebus kidnapped her. Her lover of course went after him.

He was in a way death already so he could go down there and look for her. In the underworld.

Erebus died that day, and the lovers stay together.

Nyx appeared to warn them that Erebus will come back, he will be reborn and he will come for the boy that has great powers, the one Born of a witch and a fallen angel.

She said looking at the boy in Pat hands.

Only a few people knew who he really but by now the whole pack of Kayden realized who the boy really is.

Nyx told them that Erebus wants the boy for his powers and if not him others will surely come for the boy.

In the wrong hands the boy would be like the Armageddon.

After that day the goddess had left them be, because after all she got what she wanted.

That night after she left everyone was dreading what might become of them in the future.

People murmur and give suggestions of escaping or hiding even killing the boy.

Of course they weren't gonna let the last happen.

How could they the boy is part of their family and let's not forget about the deal.

Pat and Tina were furious at the people to even suggest killing the boy.

There was tension for sure but between all the discussion Natasha stand her ground and talk to everyone present. Her family and friends of course were on Pat and Cristina side. But other pack members not so much.

Natasha: That's enough. I will not hear about this matter anymore, no one will touch that baby. He is a part of our family and we swore to protect him.
right now Lets not bother ourselves to think or worry about what might happen or what won't happen in the furure.
What kind of life would we live then?
Let's hope and trust that Lucifer or any other bad, evil being won't get close enough to manipulate Angelus to do their bidding and bring havoc on earth.

We have new friends new alliances that must be good for something, together we will find a solution a way out. I'm not saying to not be fearful god knows I'm scared shit but we must live our lives and also prepare for what comes.
Let's not cower and hide or run away let's face this together and maybe we will be victorious.

Some of Kaydens pack members said to Natasha that night that she is no one to them so she can't really tell them what to do.

Before Christian could defend her or say something to the people who disrespected his mate Kayden let out a furious growl making everyone become quiet.

He looked to his pack members and told them that if it weren't for her he wouldn't be here so she deserve their respect.

Apart from the other reason that she is his mates mother but he didn't tell them that of course.

He said to them that no one is to speak to her in that matter again and that they should listen to her.


Angelus Since a young age has shown great power, even with his powers suppressed.

One day when angelus was 4 he and the other kids were outside playing with supervision of course.
Cristina, Natasha, Melody and some maids were watching them.
But even so no one could have prevented what happened that day.

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