Part 40.

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We were extremely lucky; Harry's family woke up from their comas within a week of each other not too long after we returned to school.

They had sustained significant injuries, but at least they were alive. It was going to be a long road ahead for them, but we were counting our blessings that they had the opportunity too.

Harry and I took a trip finally up to see his family so I could officially meet them.

His parents were as wonderful as I knew they were going to be. They were so supportive and understanding of mine and Harry's relationship and offered every ounce of love and guidance we could have ever asked for.

Anne and mum had become like best friends and I think they saw each other more than what Harry and I saw them. It definitely made it sweet that everyone was getting along. We shared family dinners and birthdays together. It was like we all gained another family.

During our time in Holmes Chapel, we paid a visit to Miss Santorini, the school had made up special frames for Nick and Kyle with their blazers and special messages from students at the school. We informed matron that we would deliver it on our next visit and we even had a picnic around Katie's grave whist we were there, telling her all the funny things that had been happening around campus since Harry last saw her.

Zayn, Niall, Liam, Harry and I became absolutely inseparable and as time went on, we all became like a family unit. Zayn and Liam were really tight, and Niall found himself a nice boy from a college up the road. He was so hesitant at first in allowing himself to love again, but we all knew Nick would want him to just be happy.

It's been over 12 months since the shooting at the school and the vibes and support around the campus have remained high and we were so close to graduating.

It was insane, I can't believe how fast time went here and I didn't even want to come.

I often sit back and wonder where I would have been now if mum never sent me off to Campbell College. Zayn and I would have definitely continued spiralling through life.

At this stage, I'm looking at graduating with honours and I even got accepted into the Music Program at an amazing school in London. Harry was offered a full scholarship into the same school meaning we would be together next year.

I never knew that I appreciated music, not until Harry.

I never knew I appreciated anything until Harry.

He taught me so much about myself since meeting him and I was no longer fearful of learning it.

Niall was going to continue living in Ireland, his new man Shane was a very successful photographer and Niall was introduced to a whole new world. Shane was also amazing in his respect toward what Nick and Niall had, gifted him with a personalised ring with Nick's details on it as a momentum. I think it made the entire of moving on easier the fact that his memory was so respected and loved by his new interest.

Zayn and Liam didn't have any plans to go to college, they were off to backpack around America and see all the sites it had to offer. I was secretly worried about those two together, the trouble they could cause would be unfixable. But I was happy that their friendship had blossomed into something so strong.

"Are you ready for this?" Harry asks walking up behind me straightening out my graduation gown.

I smile at him in the reflection of the mirror, allowing my hands to gently fall upon his arms as they snake around my waist.

"Going to have to be" I exhale, flipping around to fix his gown for him. He looked so handsome.

"I can't believe graduation is here already" he gasps.

"I know, I'm not ready for it to all be over" I confess.

I wish I was at the college longer; I don't feel I was here long enough to appreciate all it had to offer.

"Just think Louis, college may be over, but our lives together are just starting." He leans forward and pushes his lips to mine.

A feeling I never got used to, a feeling I'll never get tired of.

"Forever Harry." I mumble against his lips.

We file into the hall and take our seats. Waiting to be announced up on stage for our graduate folders.

One by one, matron called us onto stage and presented us with our certificates and portfolios, wishing us well with our future endeavours.

I got to watch my best friend, my ex rival, my little Irish leprechaun and the love of my life all receive their diplomas. It was surreal.

Harry was selected as Class Citizen and would be taking the stand to address his peers and give words of wisdom to the upcoming years.

I felt every knot in my stomach tighten when he took the stand, it was a mixture of nerves for him and also immense pride. I was so in love with him and I couldn't imagine doing any of this without him.

"Hello Class" he announces in his deep thick accent, causing awkward laughter from the audience, he wasn't the greatest public speaker, but he was certainly head of the people. "We've come to the end of our time here at Campbell College and it's time for us to take our separate roads in life. I just wanted to say that I have never been more proud to share the beginning of my road with all of you, and I can only hope as life continues to unfold, all our paths cross again.

You are all my brothers, you are all family and just remember that in life, it will throw challenges, tests, struggles and curveballs at you from every direction, but you just need to always remember, you are never alone. Your path as a Campbell College student started on the same one as every single person in this room, and we are with you on your journey every step of the way."

I had tears in my eyes, his words were so true, we really did have each other through all of this, we knew that in a back fall, there would always be someone to catch us. A true brotherhood.

"So as we all move forward, I wish you the best of luck, I wish you every success, I hope every single one of your dreams comes true, and most of all, I hope you get the chance to fall in love, like I have, it's the most accomplished feeling in the world and I couldn't imagine -" his words were silenced the very minute the loud rupture echoed through the hall.

Everyone's heads snapping in the same direction to see Isaac standing in the middle of the aisle holding a shot gun, directed right at Harry.

I quickly throw my head back, launching out of my seat to see the single bullet hole wound in the centre of his forehead.

People from all around scattered in all directions, jumping on Isaac, rushing to Harry's aid.

As the crowd separated, I caught glance of Anne, who was standing frozen, like me. Our eyes met and she shook her head in dismay. My mum holding her tightly.

Life with Harry caused me great fear, I feared that I didn't know things about myself, that it was all lie. He questioned my choices, preferences, lifestyle and romantic choices. But in that moment, when Harry was taken from my life, I feared purpose above anything else.

Life with Harry in it really didn't make any sense at all.

I found the love of my life in this lifetime and I knew wherever we ended up next, I would find him again.

My soul was drawn to him. To his existence, to his love.

I was drawn to it like an overpowering drug.

Missing him and loving him was going to be a burden that would live with me forever.

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