Part 25.

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The mood around campus has lightened over the past few days, ever since the ceremony, things have been slowly getting back to normal and life feels like it did before. It's strange to think there was a before. It seems like all we knew right now was what happened. Between helping Niall and Harry grief the losses of their friend and lover, and working on my rehabilitation, we found little time to actually operate as normal.

Ever since the ceremony though, people have been doing the simplest of things, like smiling, and laughing. Something that should seem like such an ordinary task, had been so absent from life around campus.

Niall, Liam and Zayn seem to be with each other all the time, through all of this Liam really kept his distance from me. I guess he didn't really know what to say, but before I was shot, I had promised Zayn that I would give him a chance and I still wanted to honour that, but things quickly changed so I guess that put a hold on the new friendship. But whilst those three were preoccupied with each other, Harry and I were getting to spend a lot of quality time together. Matron even let us do a room change, Harry and I now bunk together with Carter and Zayn, Liam and Niall bunk in their room. They've left Nick's old bed empty though, I guess it would be weird for anyone to sleep in it. Same went for our room, though Harry and I were sharing my single bed every night anyway.

I've got History class now and Harry is at Physics, it's our last class of the semester and then we will be off on break. Carter left this morning as he is spending his break in America with his folks so he got on a plane today. That meant that Harry and I were going to be alone in a room together for the first time since our last incident. I was nervous, not because I wanted anything to happen, I had been telling Harry that I wanted to hold off on the physical stuff for a while, I was okay with all the making out, obviously, but it was becoming ridiculously difficult.

The amount of build up I was containing, I wanted to try and get back to the room to shower before Harry came back so I could release a little of the tension, I didn't want anything corrupting me tonight, I needed to remain in full control. As soon as the signal rang for end of class, Zayn offered to help by side-tracking Harry for me after their Physics lesson, giving me just 10 minutes of peace.

I sprinted back to our room as fast as I could, practically undressing myself for my shower as I was halfway through the door. By the time I got out and back into the room, Harry was sitting on our bed, I only had the towel wrapped around me as I was in too much of a hurry to grab clothing when I came back.

"Hey, how was class?" I ask in a casual tone, slightly embarrassed by the sins I just committed in that shower.

"Yeah alright, I'm really glad it's break now though. Can't wait to meet your family." He expresses as I walk over to my bunker to grab some track pants to throw on.

"Yeah, mum's excited to see you again, she said she will pick us up from the airport at noon." I drop the towel, exposing my bare bum to him whilst I slip on my track pants. This was such a regular occurrence now that Harry not need to say anything anymore, but I also checked to make sure he was looking, just to keep my ego in tact.

"Alright cool, we will have to organise a train to get out to my place too." He adds as I flick the towel through my wet hair.

"Yeah, we can look through the week." I walk over and sit on the bed facing Harry. He is sat with his back up against the headboard, legs dangling down the length of the bed.

"You look like you've got something on your mind?" I ask him with concern, placing my hand on his thigh.

He stares at my hand for a minute and doesn't say anything.

"Are you, not attracted to me anymore Lou?" He mumbles in sorrow, still looking down at my hand.

My face drops. "What? What are you talking about?" I gasp.

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