Part 5.

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It's been 3 days and Harry has been avoiding me like the plague. I hear him come into the room really late at night and he is up and out before any of us wake up.

In classes he avoids me and sits with anyone else. I must of really done something wrong for him to be so mad at me, but I honestly couldn't put my finger on it. I had no idea.

I planned on trying to catch him tonight and talk to him because it's getting ridiculous. I hadn't unpacked the clothes he bought me either. Sure I've looked at them, I'm not a complete twat, but I couldn't bring myself to wear them when he was so mad at me.

I'm laying in bed staring at the clock and watching it flick past every hour. It's now just gone back 2:10am in the morning and he still isn't back yet.

This is beyond a joke, I know Harry still has a joint left from the party the other night and I could definitely use a stress relief.

I sneak over to Harry's bed and ruffle through his top draw where I know he hid it up the back. I grab it out with the lighter and throw on a jacket. I head down to the field where Harry and I had smoked the last one.

As I get closer and walk past a line of bushes I hear uncontrollable moans coming from the other side.

Fucking gross. Someone's getting lucky behind there.

I try my best to ignore them but couldn't help myself stopping once I heard a familiar raspy accent "don't fucking stop dick, I'm close" he groans.

"Harry?" I shout, recognising that voice anywhere.

"Shit! Fuck" Harry grumbles as he reaches to pull up his pants pushing the guy who had just been sucking him off to the ground.

"Kyle!" I shout in horror. What happened to the whole, don't let a gay guy suck you off speech he gave me.

"Louis what the fuck are you doing?" Harry hissed toward me.

I watch as Kyle gathers his shirt up off the ground and sprints back toward the building.

"Me?" I quiz. "Let's talk about this shall we" I mock.

He rolls his eyes at me tightens his belt. "Forget it Louis" he shouts as he begins walking away.

I grab his arm firmly flipping him around to face me. "No Harry, why have you been ignoring me?"

He looks away from me.

"Harry fucking talk to me; I thought we were getting along and now suddenly you can't keep far enough away from me!" I shout.

"Drop it Louis" he warns

"Nah I'm not going to fucking drop it! What did I do?" I demand.

"Louis; I'm warning you!" He boasts.

I close the gap between us so I'm right up in his face. "Or what?" I mumble to him.

I suddenly feel a painful burning at the side of my cheek, realising Harry has just punched me in the face.

I see red and instantly hit him back.

We exchange hits and kicks from all sides and angles and I feel tense burns coming from my sides and my lip which when I dabbed revealed some blood.

A whistle suddenly sounds loudly followed by flashlights being shone upon us.

"Break it up you two" one of the matrons shout as two rather large men peel Harry and I apart from one another.

"He fucking started it" I scream as I struggle in the guards arms.

"I don't care who started it Mr Tomlinson, both of you, my office now" Matron demanded from both of us.

The guards directed us all the way to the office holding a firm gasp of each of us being sure to keep us far enough away from each other.

Once in the light of the office, I see just how banged up Harry's face was and by the looks in his eyes, my face must look pretty similar.

We are forced into two chairs and the guards stood between us keeping us apart.

"Right, let's not even talk about the fact that you are both out after curfew, but violence is not something I will tolerate" she boasts from her desk.

For such a tiny petite innocent looking woman, when she gets her serious voice on, I admit I'm a little scared.

Harry and I both just look at each other and groan.

"I don't know what the deal is between the two of you, but you'll have plenty of time to work it out, 48 hour confinement, both of you, together" she ordered.

"Confinement!" Harry yells.

I admit I had no idea what that meant.

"Yes Mr Styles, you'll have plenty of time to sort your issues out with Mr Tomlinson. Starting now." She orders as the guards grab both of us up again from our seats and direct us down the hallway.

We are forced into a room on the end which holds only 2 beds and a small bathroom.

What the fuck?

Once the door is closed after we are pushed inside, Harry goes over to one of the beds and flops himself down with a groan.

"What's confinement?" I hesitantly ask him.

"48 hours, we are trapped in here to sort out our differences. They'll feed us and shit, but they won't let us out" he informs me. His voice back to normal rather than his furious one from before.

Oh shit.

I sit down on the bed opposite Harry and just stare at him without saying anything.

Harry lifts his forearm that was covering his face and looks back at me. "What?" He moans.

I reach into my pocket and pull out the joint and lighter showing it to Harry. Expecting him to flog me again for touching his things.

I'm pleasantly surprised that all he does is chuckle "no fucking way". He says sitting up grabbing it out of my hand and bringing it up to his lips instantly lighting it and taking a big inhale.

He hands it back out to me and I repeat the process letting my release filter into the air above me.

"Needed this" he groans referring to the joint whilst he lays back down on the bed taking another hit.

"Harry, are you sure nothings going on?" I ask him again as I take another drag.

He looks over at me for a moment before sitting back up "I'm sorry, Louis. I just didn't know what to say" he admits in a low tone.

I'm more confused "okay, what about?" I reply.

He looks at me for a moment flicking his glance between my two eyes "it's nothing" he lies.

I choose to let it go this time, at least I got some sort of apology. The silence is quickly broken when Harry starts to chuckle loudly.

"What is it?" I ask looking at him.

"Want to know how Niall and Nick got together?" He asks in a sarcastic tone, implying I should probably know the answer.

"No way! They were in confinement?" I ask which is met with a nod and chuckle from Harry.

"Yup, exactly the same as this, they were having a brawl in the dining hall, was sent here for 72 hours because both of them attacked their guards as well and yeah ending up fucking and the rest is history" he explains.

I don't know whether I am amused for slightly concerned. But I chose the former and begin to laugh as well.

How funny that the way they started was where Harry and I are now, but lucky this time, both of us are straight men.


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