Part 4

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The party was intense. I didn't realise that I would have such a good time, the matron was as expected and tried to crash our fun on multiple occasions, but Harry knew just enough to get us to dodge her every time she came around.

Every room had a different feel to it, some rooms had the games, the beer pong and the endless flow of alcohol disguised in soda cans prepared days earlier. Some had some chill music and people playing live instruments and talking about their feelings, safe to say we stuck clear of those rooms. Others had banging music and everyone dancing.

I met a whole bunch of new people, some gay, some not, and some I could swear were confused by the way they were grinding on each other.

We barely saw Niall and Nick that night, they frequently relocated to the boom boom room, those two were ridiculous, I was shocked to hear they'd been together for two years and they were still so horny around each other.

When I woke the next morning I was feeling stale, we got pretty wrecked last night, but luckily today was a town day so I didn't need to concentrate in any of the classes.

Nick and Niall were using the day to catch up with Niall's family so Harry and I were going to hang out and do a bit of shopping. It was the first time I was having a town day so he promised to show me around, take me to the best places and whatever. He was meeting up with a chick just after lunch he told me the night before. But promised it wouldn't take long with a cheeky wink. Sick bastard.

The bus ride into town only took about 20 minutes and when we got off it was lined with a heap of different outlets, so different to hometown of Doncaster, which was rather a small town. Everyone knew everyone.

"Come on, this way, time to get you some new attire." Harry teased as he looked upon my dress choice for today. I went with another pair of blue jeans and a casual shirt. Harry, however, was in a pair of black skinny jeans, white tee and black blazer, dressed down with a blue beanie.

I followed him into a shop that looked to have clothes I wouldn't be able to afford in a thousand years. I think all I could afford would be a pair of underwear and still then I wouldn't be able to eat for a week.

"Harry, I can't, is there anywhere with more, I dunno, affordable clothes" I ask whilst flipping the price tag of a plain tea that read £56. For a fucking t-shirt.

He chuckles at me whilst draping an arm around my shoulder "Tommo mate; my shout. Pick something you like" he offers whilst leading me to a table to sweaters.

"What? No fucking way" I hiss moving out of the grip of his arm and swiftly moving out of the store. I find a bench seat that sat in the courtyard between the two shopping centres and slumped down into it.

It took a while before Harry came out with 3 bags hanging over his arm. That was fast for him to fill 3 bags. I rolled my arms at him as he led me into another store. Upon checking a few tags as I walked in, this shop was a lot more closer to my type of attire.

"This one, and this one, oh yes this one too" Harry motioned as he is asked past a whole lot of hangers and collecting items along the way. I followed him toward the back of the store.

"Model for me baby cakes" he teased handing me a whole pile of clothes.

"What?" I reply.

"Try these on, come on" he encourages, pushing me further into the change area.

He placed himself on the sofa in front of the line of change rooms, draping his arm across the back.

I rolled my eyes and stepped into the change room hanging up all the items. Items that were a piece of me, and pieces of Harry.

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