Part 24.

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Harry and I are sat down on the back of the field under the trees. This place seems to define us in all aspects of our relationship, whether it be the first joint we shared together, intimate kisses, the place where my best friend found out I was gay and also where we reconnected and he was accepting of my relationship with Harry. So in a way, it kind of just became our place.

"Harry, I need to ask you something." I whisper. I'm sat between his legs leaning back on his torso, my head about shoulder height with his. His arms are wrapped around my waist our fingers dancing together.

"What is it Lou?" He mumbles, letting his chin rest on the top of my head.

"Yesterday, you said you don't feel safe. And that you blame yourself for my sexuality. And then I got to thinking, you haven't kissed me since we reconnected and my question is. Why? To all of it." I query.

I feel his exhaled breathe rub down my shoulder. "Lou, look at me." I snake out of his arms and turn to face him, drooping my legs either side of his waist and leaning back on my hands. He rubs his hands up and down the outside of my thighs. "I wasn't answering that I don't feel safe. I feel like I am what is unsafe. I do blame myself for your sexuality, but I understand that is an unfair call to make. You are your own person Lou, but I couldn't help but feel responsible for why you were in target, here, at Campbell college. And about the kissing thing." I see him get a little shy on that topic. "I didn't know where I stood with you to be honest. I know you said you forgave me, but you were also in the middle of bleeding out, so I didn't know how much weight that forgiveness held. I didn't know whether or not, you wanted me still." He explains shyly.

I feel myself immediately go red and realise that, he's right. We never had a conversation. I mean to me, the minute we both forgave each other was us signally we were back together and then he would respond when I took his hand and that, but I never really caught onto the face that he was following my lead and waiting for me the make the moves. I adjust my position so I sit closer to him now, almost full straddle without actually sitting on his lap.

I bring my right hand up and rest it on the side of his face, stroking the space underneath his eye with my thumb, looking deep into his eyes that are filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement. The exact same way that I am feeling.

"Harry" I whisper.

"Louis." He responds with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"There is nothing else in this world that I would want, than to be able to call you mine."

I inch our faces closer together so our foreheads meet and lips barely touch.

"Really?" He whispers back, the movement of his lips as he speaks causes them to brush past mine, sending shock waves through me.

"Really!" I reply as I edge that lasting space closed and bring our lips together to finally meet. A feeling that I hadn't felt in so long, but remember the moment they connect.

My hand snakes around the back of his neck to hold his contact on me firmly as his hands are placed around the small on my back, edging me as close as possible. He shifts his legs closed which causes me to prop up on them, I wrap my knees back behind me so I'm now in full straddle. His neck cocking upward to reach my increased height as I sit on his lap. As our lips move together in sync, the more the hunger grows inside of me, I craved him so deeply, but I didn't want this moment to end. I didn't want to ruin anything and knowing how my dominance took over last time, the last thing I wanted to do was push any limitations.

Both my hands move to behind his neck as I hold a firm grasp on his hair lining, tangling my fingers between the strands of hair. Bundling them up and slightly tightening my grip causing a groan of pleasure to form in Harry's throat. A groan that could so easily throw me over the edge, but I fight to contain.

His hands trail up and down my back, tightening as they reach my waist and he pulls me in tightly to him. His tongue brushes along the base of my bottom lip, requesting permission for access which I grant almost immediately after feeling the touch. I part my lips slowly, feeling his every motion as he enters my mouth and lapses his tongue across mine. The motion in itself is overwhelming.

Although I feel the tension building in my core, I want this moment to last as long as it can, and I have so many fears in fucking it all up again. I relax my grip on his hair and move my hands to the side of his face, softening my motion into his kiss to a more of a romantic make out feel, rather than a, please let me fuck you in the arse right now, kind of way.

Harry follows my lead and relaxes his grip on my hips and instead cups my arse in his two hands, cheeky bastard.

I let a small chuckle out against his lips.

"What?" He whispers in a slight chuckle himself.

"Does my arse scream gay now?" I repeat one of our first ever conversations where Kyle said I was in fact, gay.

He chuckles and gives me two cheeky pinches on my butt.

"A little" he teases.

I shake my head at his silliness and peck him three more times for the same duration and pressure each time.

"Harry?" I peck him again.

"Yes Lou." He responds, pecking me again.

"Will you come home with me next week for break and meet my family?" I ask him, this time, disconnecting our lips completely waiting for his answer.

He chuckles and pushes our lips back together for another kiss. "I've met them Louis" he mocks.

"Not as my boyfriend you haven't." I explain which makes Harry freeze in his place and drift his eyes back to mine.

"Of course, Lou" he gasps with overwhelming happiness. "I'd love to come meet your family." He pecks my lips again.

"Thank you" I mumble.

"Do you want to do a week at your place and then come up and spend a week with my family. I'd love for them to meet you as well." He offers which send butterflies actually bouncing around in my stomach.

"Of course!" I shout, causing us to both look around us and chuckle. "Whoops!" I say a little less loud.

"Okay good!" He chuckles bringing our lips back together in another make out session. This boy really likes testing my limits on this one, but I couldn't complain, because boy did I like kissing him.

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