Part 37.

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We laid in bed that night and as Harry lay between my legs, his back resting upon my chest, I stroke my fingers through each of his curls. Stretching it out to full length and watching as it sprung back into place.

He chose to put the Polar Express on, but I don't think either one of us were really paying attention to the movie.

Harry didn't say much the entire car ride home and had been acting a little off since our meeting with Katie.

I didn't want to seem pushy and continuously ask him to explain his feelings, not when I was the one who forced him to do this anyway, a conversation that probably desrrved a lot of thought and preparation and he did it on sleep deprivation after a heated argument between us.

I almost felt guilty.

He was tracing meaningless patterns over the sides of my legs that were draped down either side of his body.

I felt a hint of reassurance that he still wanted to touch me, so I figured he wasn't too mad.

We were both startled by a knock at the door, mum appearing through it straight after.

"Hello." I great her with my best 'nothing's wrong here' face.

"Hi boys, sorry to interrupt" she had a sad tone in her voice, I could see the puffiness and redness to her eyes to indicate that she had been crying.

"Mum? What's wrong?" I urge. Pushing Harry so he would sit up so I could go see her.

"I just need to speak with Harry for a moment." She mumbles as she steps further into the room, shutting the door behind her.

The alertness in Harry's ears spring up at the mentioning of his name.

"Should I leave you to it?" I offer.

Mum shakes her head. "No, please stay" she begs.

Mum sits herself down on the bed next to Harry and takes his hand.

Oh shit.

This was serious.

"Harry, I just got a phone call from the Santorini's." That was Kyle and Katie's family.

"There's been an accident sweetheart, I'm so sorry." She whimpers.

My heart drops and Harry doesn't say a word.

"They just informed me that on the way home from Gemma's tournament, someone ran a red light, hitting your parent's car straight on the side." She began explaining. Harry becoming awfully fidgety. "They have all been flown to hospital. They are all still alive, but I'm really unaware of the severity of the injuries."

Harry jumps up from the bed and paces quickly around the room.

"What? No. That can't be. I just. What?" he stampers out.

I run up to meet him, hugging his unresponsive side as he continues to pace around.

"I need your car." He shouts toward me.

"What?" I gasp.

"Your car Louis, I need your car. I have to go to her." He shouts again.

"Harry, it's 10pm, by the time you get there, they won't let you in" I assure him.

"I don't care Louis; I'll sleep in the car if I damn well have to." He boasts in anger.

"Lou's right honey, it's not safe for you to be driving this late at night. I can drive you in the morning." Mum offers, trying to calm him down.

He shakes his head urgently. "No! I'm not going to sit here waiting. I'm going!" he shouts in a final statement, wriggling his way out of my grip and heading for the door.

I desperately look over to mum for some guidance, but she just shrugs her shoulders. "Let him go honey, he obviously needs this."

I have never felt more helpless in my life.

I watch as the parkers on the car reverse out of my driveway and up my street, quickly out of sight.

"Do you think they are going to die mum?" I question as she is still sat on the edge of my bed.

"I really don't know honey; Miss Santorini didn't say too much else." She confesses.

I nod my head in shame. I really didn't know what to do for Harry in this moment.

"Louis, there is one thing I didn't mention to Harry just now" she states. "I know who Katie is, and where she fits into all of this with you and Harry. I understand you went to see her earlier today."

I furrow my eyebrows not really knowing what this has to do with the conversation.

"Miss Santorini asked me not to say anything to Harry just yet, not until they find out more, but I need to tell you, your going to need to be there for him when the news breaks."

"What are you talking about mum?"

"Katie, was the one driving the car who ran through the red light." She sighed.

My eyes have never felt more wide and my jaw dropped more than it ever had before.

"Oh my god!" I gasp, placing my hand over the top of my mouth, my own tears filling the spaces in my eyes. "is she okay?" I felt the need to ask.

Mum's tears quietly escaped from her ducts again. She shakes her head. "They pronounced her dead at the scene."

My entire breath was robbed from me in that instant.

"What!" I shout. "Harry doesn't know?"

Mum shakes her head. "Miss Santorini thought it would be too much for him to handle right now. She knows what happened today as well." She expresses.

"Mum, did we cause this accident?" I ask in pure horror of the answer.

Her face suddenly gets a lot harsher. "Oh god honey no. Not at all, Miss Santorini does not hold you or Harry responsible. She was running late for her shift, Miss Santorini said she left the house in a rush." Mum explains, making me feel the smallest ounce of relief. But overall, still feeling incredibly responsible.

"Mum, Harry is going to be devasted, I need to be there with him." I insisted.

"His grandparents are already at the hospital, so he will have someone there, but I will take you up there tomorrow morning. Miss Santorini will be going down to see Harry in the morning to let him know."

I nod my head in agreement.

"Miss Santorini has lost both her kids now Mum" I state, only just coming to the realisation myself.

She nods her head in sadness at me. "I know honey, it's so awful to even think about how she must be feeling."

I needed Harry's family to pull through. I don't even know what would happen if he lost all of them.

Not realising how close he was with Kyle for his entire life, I don't think Harry properly grieved his passing, played it off because of our history, I can't even begin to imagine what is going to happen if they don't make it.

It would send the most level-headed people straight over the edge.

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