Reject Story: Two

Start from the beginning

"Because the phone I put on the desk isn't there and I assumed that you didn't have one." Kiyotaka replied.

"....Right, well, your, or rather, my- or, our girlfr-, wait, hmm, how do I even say this without making it sound weird... Ah, Kei messaged you." Kiyotaka said.

"Hm? What'd she say?" Kiyotaka asked.

"In the first few messages, it was just simple greetings, then in the next few she started telling you, us, about her day, and then the last messages were asking you to reply once you're not busy and some more messages that are telling you to reply to her." Kiyotaka said.

"Hmm, I see..." Kiyotaka said.

"So? What're you gonna reply to her?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Hmm... Tell her to come. Let's tease her." Kiyotaka said.

"Huh? Are you sure?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Yeah, I mean, it's just Kei, what harm can she do?" Kiyotaka said.

"Good point." Kiyotaka said before messaging Kei to come.

"So, how are we going to "tease" her?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Simple, we..." Kiyotaka then proceeded to whisper something to Kiyotaka's ear.

"Hmm... Yeah, that could be fun." Kiyotaka said and just as Kiyotaka finished telling Kiyotaka the plan, a reply from Kei came.

"Ah, she said she'll be here in five minutes." Kiyotaka said.

"I see. Well, before we prepare, we should actually come up with alternative names or nicknames for the two of us since it would be confusing to just call us both Kiyotaka or Ayanokouji." Kiyotaka said.

"Right... Well, since you're the original, you should be Kiyo, and I'll just be Taka?" Taka suggested.

"Hmm... I don't think I'm comfortable with me, or you being called Taka, it doesn't feel... Let's just say it feels like we're referring to a different person." Kiyo said.

"Well... What do we call me then?" Taka asked.

"Let's see... Oh, you can be called Kiyopon." Kiyo said.

"No, Haruka is enough. I don't want other people calling me that." Taka said.

"Kiyo-kun then?" Kiyo said.

"Then wouldn't that just be the same as you having Kiyotaka and me having Kiyotaka-kun?" Taka said.

"Good point..."

"What about Kiyo and Kiyotaka, but you get Kiyotaka instead of Kiyo and I get Kiyo since I'm the "copy"." Taka said.

"I still think that would be confusing..." Kiyo said.

"Ah, what if I stick to Kiyotaka, and you go with Ayanon?" Kiyotaka suggested.

"I... guess that's good enough, but... How would people differentiate us?" Ayanon asked.

"Are you planning to show people the two of us?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Well... Why not?" Ayanon asked.

"I don't know, it might cause chaos?" Kiyotaka replied.

"Hmm, good point... but then again, it might-"


"Oh, that must be Kei." Ayanon said.

"Come in. It's unlocked." Kiyotaka said.

"Now, shall we?" Ayanon asked.

"Yes." Kiyotaka said before going under the covers with Ayanon. 

"Kiyotaka, were you talking with... someone...?" Kei instantly froze as soon as she walked in on the two who were under the covers while the bed was lightly shaking and creaking. Naturally, since she believes that Kiyotaka is a straight man, her initial thought was that it was a woman.

"K-K-Kiyotaka! Why do you have a wo... man?" Just as Kei was about to shout, she pulled the covers and revealed two Kiyotakas with one on top of the other.

"Hello, Kei."

"What he said." Ayanon said.


"What's wrong, Kei?" Kiyotaka asked as he got off of Ayanon and approached Kei.

"Y-You, t-there's two, of, huh? What? Wait, two Kiyotakas? Am I dreaming? Oh no... I-Is this because I'm too obsessed with Kiyotaka?!" Kei started to panic and lose grasp of reality until Kiyotaka shook her by the shoulders and Ayanon flicked Kei's forehead.

"Oi, idiot. Kei. Are you alive?" Ayanon asked.

"H-Huh? Oh hey, Kiyotaka... and the other Kiyotaka." Kei said.

"Oh good, you're alive." Ayanon said.

"You should sit first." Kiyotaka said.

"No, I don't think I will... I want to hear an explanation first." Kei said.

"Well... we don't really know, but one thing's for sure..." Kiyotaka said.

"And what is that one thing...?" Kei asked.

"We're both sharing you." Both Ayanon and Kiyotaka whispered to Kei's ears at the same time on each side, which made Kei flustered.

If you made it this far, it means you just wasted about 5 minutes of your life.

A/N: Aight, I want your help for this week's part since I got someone who suggested that I do a reaction with Chunchunmaru on the t-rex scene. I'm kinda 50-50 about it, so I want your opinions. And if you have any idea, I'd appreciate it if you share some, if not that's fine as well, just have some sauce/s to make it up with this not-so-good chapter: 

Ch1 318635Ch2 323114Ch3 334854Ch4 335489Ch5 335708Ch6 344066Final ch 359678

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

That's all.


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