Chapter 45: Its Now or Never

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"Should I get this ring. Maybe it's too much or too little. Fuck me why is this so difficult. Marco how did you chose a ring for Renne?" I asked Marco running my hands through my hair anxiously.

"I picked out what I thought she'd love. What do you think ly would love?" Marco questioned me. If I'm being honest I don't know. Lyandra is different.

As I walked around the jewelry shop, my eyes spotted a gorgeous small ring that was bedazzled with white diamonds. The diamond wasn't too ginormous, and the ring was overall not too flashy.

This is perfect.

"I'll take this ring" I said to the jeweller, pointing at the beautiful white ring.

This is it. The day my life will change forever.

...back at home...

As I walked into the house all the girls were getting ready for the dinner I had planned about a week ago. Today. Today is the day I ask Lyandra to be my forever. Am I nervous? Fuck yes. I mean what if she says no. It would crush me.

"Did you get it" Papà asked as he rested his back on the wall smirking at me. "Yes" I replied showing him the ring. "Not to big, not too small. You picked out a good one son" he said pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Do you think I'm ready for this?" I questioned Papà as my head fell to the floor in sadness. What if I'm not ready for this?

"Your ready son. Ever since Lyandra has entered your life, you've changed. You have been the happiest you've ever been. She makes you feel happy and that's all I want for you. To be happy and find the beauty in the life of marriage has to offer" Papà said as a tear escaped his eyes.

"Do not cry" I scowled looking at the floor. "I'm so proud of you" Papà smiled pulling me into a tight embrace. I melted into his arms as a few tears trickled down my cheeks.

As I pulled away from Papà, I quickly wiped my tears before he noticed. He let out a soft chucked before walking away. "Never speak of this Papà!" I yelled out. "No promises."

I made my way upstairs walking into mine and Lyandras room. I stood at the door watching my beautiful girlfriend getting dressed. She looked even more gorgeous with that beautiful bump of hers.

As I walked over to Lyandra she was extremely frustrated as she tried pulling her dress over her stomach. "It's not going to fit. I'm so fat and ugly" she said with an annoyed tone in her voice as tears began to stream down her cheeks.

I gently tugged on her wrist pulling her around to face me. I held a firm grip on her cheeks as I stared into her watery eyes. I pressed my forehead against hers as she closed her eyes letting out a shaky breath. "You look beautiful baby. I didn't think you could possibly be more sexy" I said in a seductive tone as my lips grazed hers.

I felt her lips quiver as I brushed mine against hers. I felt a wave of relief as she pulled my chin crashing her lips into mine. She rapped her arms around my neck as I placed my hands on her waist, deepening our kiss. I could feel my erection growing by the minute.

During her pregnancy I was on edge every minute of every day. In the beginning of her pregnancy she was sick often and struggled to eat food. It broke me. I hated seeing my baby have to go through so much pain. After visiting our doctors frequently and getting checkups, Lyandra began to feel much better.

Once she hit 4 1/2 months her sex derive was over the roof. We had sex about every other day for about 2 months straight. She's done tricks with her body and mouth I have never seen before. She definitely is one of a kind.

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