Chapter 10: Mall Madness pt.2

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When Lyandra gently grabbed my arm, I was in shock. I didn't think she'd actually feel comfortable enough to touch me. I gently place my hand over hers, leading her to my garage.

I type in my pin, and the garage doors begin to open slowly. I watched Lyandra expression change, as her mouth fell to the ground staring at my cars. She probably wasn't expecting this, but what can I say. I love my cars.

"So what car will it be?" I asked Lyandra . "Um I like the red one" she says in that shy voice I love.

"The red one it is" I say walking towards my beautiful red car. I rev the engine and begin to drive off.

The drive was quite. She probably was too nervous to talk to me, and that's fine. I wasn't gonna push her to do something she isn't comfortable with. She began to fidget her fingers, tapping her foot on the car floor.

"Are you okay bellissima?"  I ask with a hint of worry voice. "Would it be okay if I turned on the radio? It helps to relax my nerves" she asked.

"Of course you can. What station?" I asked. "Do you have Bluetooth?" she replied. "I definitely do, here" I said passing her my phone.

She ended up playing some dancehall, which I was pleased with, considering the fact I that I loved the music. We both sat back, and enjoy the rest of the ride.

...25 minutes later...

I parked my car getting out of the drivers seat, making my way to lyandras door. I opened her door, stretching out my hand for her to grab.

Will she grab it? Am I scaring her already? I was snapped back to reality when I realized her fingers, were intertwined with mine.

As we made our way into the mall, I notice a store that grabbed bellissima's attention. She tugged on my arm dragging me into the store with her. I let out a small chuckle along with a smile, happily following her into the store.

I watched her as she began to rummage through the clothing, looking for jeans and tops. I wasn't really paying attention, until I heard her sweet voice call my name.

"Gianni"she called out. "Yes bellissima" I answered. "Which top should I get this one, or this one?" she asked holding up 2 shirts in front of me.

"How about both" I replied. "Are you crazy!?" she yelled at me. "These are $50 each".... "Your point is?" I questioned her sarcastically.

It was only $50. Why was she so upsets? I've spent more money on ties than this shirt. I was surprised at her reaction.

Most of the bimbos I messed around with made me spend thousands on some dresses that looked fucking horrendous on them. Lyandra was different though. She was kind and caring. That's not a mix you see everyday.

"Gianni" she says in a soft voice. "It's too much money. I can't let you spend it on me." I was surprised by what she said. How could she even think she wasn't worth it?

"You're worth it. If you like both I'll get both" I say to her, as she continued to admire the shirts. "Actually, I'll buy all of them."

"Excuse me clerk please ring up all those tops and Jeans. Place them under the name Gianni Russo." I say to the clerk.

Her eyes widened, as she cocks her head towards me. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, ITS GOING TO COST A FORTUNE YOU IDIOT" she yelled at me, biting her nails pacing around the store.

"It's fine bellissima. Let me treat you to some clothes. It's no bother, I promise". I say giving her a reassuring smile. "Fineeeeee" she sighed grabbing the bags from the clerk, making her way out the door leaving me behind.

...1 1/2 hours later...

Almost 2 hours later, bellissima and I were still shopping. At this point, I was getting tired. Shopping with women was so much work.

I was ready to go home, when I suddenly felt a tug on my arm. Bellissima had pulled me into a lingerie store.

We walk into the store, and bellissima began to look around. As I stared at the sexy lingerie around me, I feel a gentle tug on my arm.

"I need help finding my bra size" she whispered in my ear. "Well then bellissima, take off your shirt" I say to her in my a low seductive voice, causing her to blush.

"Not from you" she laughed, playfully slapping my arm. "From one of the employees" she says . I take her hand in mine, guiding her to one of the women that works here.

"Hello welcome to Fille Sexy" the woman greeted us "How can I assist you?" she asked. I nudge Lyandras shoulder gently, giving her the sign to speak up.

"Um hi, I was wondering if I can get sized for a new bra. It's bin a while" Lyandra says, letting out a small chuckle, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "No problem" the worker says, guiding lyandra to the changing room.

...5 minutes later...

I see bellissima walking back out the change room, with the nice employee. She began to pick out bras and underwear's she liked.

I knew she wasn't gonna like the prices, but this will be another great laugh for me.

"Is this all?" the clerk asked. "Yes this will be all" I replied trying not to laugh at the price that's going to come from her mouth.

"That will be $3125.34". Will you be paying cash or card?" she asked. "Card" I answered pulling out my black card, giving it to the lady to scan.

Lyandra shot me an anger glare, as I try to hold back the laughter I'm my voice. She obviously didn't want me spending 3 thousand dollars on some bras and underwear, but I didn't care. She was worth every penny.

I take back my card placing it in my wallet. We take our bags and headed towards the exit. I feel a tug on my arm causing me to look back at Lyandra confused.

"Why'd we stop?" I asked. She dropped her bags, and walks overs to me. She intertwines her fingers with mine, pulling me into a soft embrace.

"Thank you for today Gianni. I loved it" she says to me, as I feel her smile on my chest. "It was my pleasure bellissima" I replied placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

What a good day.

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Saving LyandraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora