Chapter 25: 8 Is Perfect

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"Ugh why is it so fucking bright"! I yelled getting out of my bed as my arm shielded my eyes. Fucking hell, my head is pounding. Wait what the fuck!

Why am I naked? Wait what happened yesterday? It's kind of a blur. I remember Lyandra coming into my room, we showered together.

Oh fuck! I remembered. She gave me a handjob. Fuck! She was so good. She seemed really experienced to me, and fuck did I love every second of it.

I walk over to my bathroom, and stepped into the shower. I ran a cold shower. An extremely cold shower, to be more specific. I needed it, especially after remember everything that happened last night.

...20 minutes later.....

I step out the shower, rapping a warm towel around my waist. I stood staring at myself in the mirror. This beard needs to go.

Ahhh fresh and clean once again, I sighed rinsing the hairs and shaving cream off my face

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Ahhh fresh and clean once again, I sighed rinsing the hairs and shaving cream off my face. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and stepped into my bedroom.

I was startled by a knock at my door."It's open!" I yelled from inside of my room.

It was Lyandra. Oh how I've missed her beautiful face. She stepped into my room holding a ton of bags.

"Morning gi baby" she said placing a kiss on my cheek. Fuck why does my stomach feel like this, after her kiss?

"Good morning bellissima. What is all of this?" I asked bellissima, as she stared at me with a warm smile on her face.

She was just staring at me. Like she was gonna eat me. Is she okay?

"Lyandra are you okay?" I asked with concern in my voice. "Huh yea I'm fine" she replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What are all these bags for?" I asked looking at all the bags on the floor. "They're for you silly" she answered, poking my chest playfully.

"What do you mean for me?" I asked tilting my head in confusion. "I drove to the store and picked up some Advil and your favourite snacks" she said pointing at the grocery bags on the floor.

She got me snacks? Wow. She's fucking amazing. I've never been given something as simple as snacks. It feels nice.

"Oh I almost forgot, wait her I'll be right back" bellissima said rushing out my room. What did she forget?

... 2 minutes later...

Lyandra rushed back to my  room holding brown bags in her hands. "I also stoped to get you some breakfast. I got some ackee, fried dumpling, plantains, and some hominy corn porridge" she said trying to catch her breath.

She did all this for me. Despite the countless amount of times I've miss treated her, she proved that she still cared for me.

I walked over to her and locked eyes with her. She had the most beautiful shade of green eyes I have ever seen.

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