Chapter 35: Who Are You?

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...14 hour plane ride later...

"Omg Gianni. This scenery is so beautiful" I gasped looking out my window. Italy was truly gorgeous. There was so much to see. "Thank you babe" he replied smiling at me.

"We're about to land. Are you ready to have fun?" I asked Gianni as I took a seat on his lap. "I'm more than ready. I'm still confused to how you got everything ready" he said in a confused tone.

"I had a bit of help" I said with a bright smile on my face. As the plane landed I was eager to meet Giannis family. I have been talking to Alessia these past few days. She's such a sweet heart. I can't wait to meet her.

As the plane door opened, there stood Giannis family. I turned my gaze to meet Giannis as he stared in shock.

"Gianni" I called out. He didn't answer. He was practically frozen in shock. "Gianni hellooooo" I called out waving my hand infront of his face. No response.

I laughed making my way down the steps of the jet. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Alessia and the twins running towards me. "Hey guys" I said holding them all in a tight hug.

"You are so gorgeous my dear" Alessia says placing her hand on my cheek. "Thang you less" I said giving her a warm smile.

"What have you troublemakers been up to?" I asked the twins as they held a tight grip on my leg. "We're not trouble makers" Alonzo says rolling his eyes at an attempt to hide his beautiful smile.

"Lyly when we go home, I want you to see all my dollies" Amaya said with so much excitement in her voice. "Of corse maya. We will have so much fun" I said giving her a peck on the cheek.

"H-how did you organize this?" Gianni asked as he smiled at me. "I called them up a bit ago and planed for us to stay at their house" I responded.

"Are you gonna give us a hug?" Alessia asked holding out her arms. Gianni ran over to Alessia pulling her into a tight embrace. "Mi sei mancata zia" (Ive missed you auntie). "Mi sei mancato anche tu nipote" (Ive missed you too nephew).

Gianni was given a warm welcome by his aunts and also his cousins. This family was freaking amazing. Could it get any better than this?

We made our way over to the limo, and made our way to Alessia and matteos home.

...1 hour drive later...

As the driver pulled up to the gates of the house, I was flabbergasted

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As the driver pulled up to the gates of the house, I was flabbergasted. This house was absolutely stunning.

"Oh my gosh! This house is gorgeous" I said covering my mouth is shock. "This house is basic, where did you grow up? In a dump" Antonio scowled rolling his eyes at me.

Alessia raised her hand, slapping it against Antonio's cheek. The car fell silent. Nobody dared to look their way. "Guarda il tuo labbro!" (watch your lip) Alessia scowled at Antonio as he sat in the car not daring to speak another word.

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