CHAPTER 22: Wade

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I'm not sure in who the hell those guys were the other night but I am going to make sure I get to the bottom of it.

I'm glad I agreed to stay the night with Jayne. I loved having her in my arms and she always seems to keep me calm.

Despite all of that, as the days went by and the time was coming to when we were going away for the weekend, I couldn't help but wonder about those guys.

Jimmy and Rocky both said they had never seen them before neither. Now I know I should just move on and forget about it but I can't. The strangest thing about all of this is the fact that those guys seemed nowhere to be found.

Everyday I was looking around town and wondering if they were just passing through or if they had just moved in but, it seemed like they were just passing through, since they left town the following day. So I  decided to stop thinking about it.

Maybe I am just stressed from my dad and the fact that soon enough he will be here and more than likely try and put on an act in front of his new girlfriend, so that he can make Jayne believe he isn't such a bad guy.

Jimmy and Rocky try and reassure me that everything was going to be fine and just ignore it.

Anyways, I guess they're right since we are heading up to the lake house today and need to focus on having a good time.

Something I haven't mentioned to anyone, including the guys though, is that for the past month or so, I have been feeling strange and different. I can't explain it but I have been having vivid dreams almost every night.

Some are like nightmares but then the rest are more......just weird, I guess would be the best way to describe them.

Normally I don't pay attention to my dreams, however, this time it's harder not to pay attention. They are too vivid and I can't help feel like there is a reason I am having them. For example, last night, I had a dream I was in a house that felt familiar but yet, I couldn't figure out how or where.

The oddest thing in it though (in all my dreams) was that I felt my hands burning and they were on fire, except the colors of the flames were more of a blue and purple shade, not orange and yellow. The pain would soon dissapate but the flames would stay.

Then there was a moment where I felt a pain in my chest that soon coarsed throughout the rest of my body, always bringing me to my knees in pain yet again.

Right before I wake up, I heard a gentle voice. A female voice. It sounded familiar and I thought it even sounded a little like it could have been my mother but, that always could be because I just miss her so much and my conscious is causing me to think it is her when really it's the opposite.

Besides, I haven't really dreamt about my mom in a while because....well, honestly I don't even know.

"Hey bro!" I heard Jimmy say, while snapping me out of my thoughts. I hadn't realized I was getting caught up in my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, a number one with a coke." I tell him as I noticed he was at the speaker in a drive-thru.

Him, Rocky and Jayne looked at me suspiciously. I just smiled at them and said I just am tired.

Soon after the stop, we pulled up in front of the place and I loved every second from the time we stepped out of the car to the time we finished walking around inside, the reaction from Jayne.

She may have not been used to nice things like this place but I hope she gets used to it. Because that is all I plan on showering her with. Well, that is if she'll let me.

After unpacking, we headed downstairs where the two girls from the desert were at, making out with Jimmy and Rocky's girl making out with him on the couches.

"Okay guys, keep it in your pants for a while, huh?!" I joked.

"Oh whatever. You and Jayne are always all over each other in front of us." Rocky says.

Jayne starts to blush, I noticed. I love it when she blushes all innocent-looking.

This is going to be a great weekend, I can tell.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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