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"You done feeling sorry for yourself yet?!" He says to me.

"Go to hell!" I tell him as I wipe away some tears and look away.

"Nah. They won't accept me anymore." He mentions with a smirk and wink.

Was this really happening? The bad boy of the school was not only talking to me but also happened to be trying to make me laugh? He has to be high or drunk. Or worse, this could be a dare that my dear bullies have put him up to.

Next, I notice he sits down and leans against the wall beside me.

"Why are you being nice to me? " I ask him through sniffles.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

"Nobody talks to me. Nobody wants to be seen with me even." I say while wiping away some more tears.

"It's their loss then. Besides, why do you waste all your time worried so much in what others think?" He asks.

"You wouldn't understand." I tell him.

He really wouldn't. If anything, after I tell him about what is going on, I bet he'd make fun of me or call me pathetic and dumb or something. I have had all the insults I can take for this week and really didn't want to deal with anymore today.

"Try me." He says.

I look at him for a moment before I realize that he's being sincere.

"Well, what do you think as to why I do?! I am just another stupid, fat, and pathetic girl that lives in her own world wanting nothing more than to be wanted and loved by somebody, for once. Ever since I was little, that's all I have searched for.  I mean, I stopped believing in fairytales and always knew that 'prince charming' didn't exist. But I still deep down inside, wondered what it would be like to be wanted. That feeling you get when somebody wants you- truly wants you and they don't care about your flaws or that you don't look like barbie and who aren't embarrassed to call you theirs or even be friends with you. I am tired of being treated like I don't have feelings and that I'm nothing." I continue to cry throughout the rest of my ranting.

"I swear! Maybe the reality is that love is an illusion and doesn't really exist." I finish.

There was a silence between him and I for a couple of moments and I thought for sure it was because he was holding in laughter or thinking in his head in how pathetic I sounded.

Why did I even feel comfortable enough around him to say all that in the first place?!

The next thing I knew I felt his hand touching mine and enlacing our fingers. I looked at our hands and then when I looked up at him, he locked eyes with mine and started to lean in.........

Hey guys! So thought I would give you all a sneek peek to my next upcoming story that I will be posting for soon! (Maybe in the next week or two). I will let you know either way when I do and hope you all enjoy it!! :):)

The New Bad Boy in TownHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin