CHAPTER 23: Jayne

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Something was going on with Wade and for some reason, wasn't mentioning anything to me or anyone it seemed. 

Today was his birthday and when he woke up, I had already made up some pancakes and some other breakfast foods that I knew he loved. We all were sitting down at the table, waiting for him to come downstairs and when he came downstairs to join us, he looked like he was feeling some pain in his stomach and chest.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked concerned while walking up to him.

"Yeah." He winces a couple of times before taking a seat. "I think it might be heartburn and probably just something I ate last night. But I'm starving." He smiles.

"Okay." I replied not completely convinced and both Jimmy and Rocky looked at him with concern also. However, we left it alone for now.

"Happy birthday!" We all cheers with each other.

"Thanks guys." He smiles.

Throughout breakfast, it seemed he was feeling better. So we started going over ideas in what he wanted to do since it was his day.

He suggested we explore this small town a little bit while we are here since it seems to be a bit smaller than ours and had more cute mom and pop places including shops.

While walking around, we seemed to have all agreed after taking immediate notice of the atmosphere and kindness from the locals than in our town.

Now this was a nice small town I could live in. I felt immediately as though I belonged here more.

The day was real productive and although there were a few times it took a while for me to convince Wade that although the gesture was sweet and I more than appreciated the offers, that he didn't need to buy me everything or anything for that matter.

I noticed several times too that he was holding his chest or stomach as though he felt the pain again and how he tried holding back and covering up the fact he was feeling pain.

It just made me more worried though because he seemed as though when the pain would hit him, it was more intense than the one before. But I didn't want to bring attention to it, so I once again, left it alone.

Once we got back to the lake house, we had decided to head into the jacuzzi outside near the pool. Although Wade and I both stayed in it longer while the others went into the heated pool connected.

We were enjoying the somewhat alone time and then I don't know why I brought it up but I just came out and asked after noticing out the corner of my eye he winced.

"Wade, I know I should probably be letting this go and I don't  want to ruin the mood or your birthday but, I have noticed you have felt pain throughout the day and I am really worried. Do you think we should go to the hospital to make sure everything is okay?" I asked uncertained as to how he will reply.

"Ah, no I'm fine." He winces a little bit.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes!" He snaps at me and I am taken back although in the back of my head, I was being pushy I suppose.

"Okay. Sorry I cared." I snapped back and after a few moments went by with us not saying anything else to each other and me not wanting to share the awkward silence and tension, I just got up and went upstairs to get dressed for dinner.

Maybe I was being too pushy and sounding as if I were nagging. Maybe I should apologize.

I'll do it but first I need to take a shower and get ready to go out to dinner. So I turn on the water and step inside. Then while washing my hair with my eyes closed and back faced towards the door.

Soon I felt two arms wrap around my waist and kisses being placed on my neck.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to snap at you. Please forgive me." He says between kisses.

"It's okay." I replied and turned around to face him. "I just was worried and I guess I came off as more of a nagger than a caring girlfriend."

He lifts my chin up with his finger to have me look at him and he shakes his head a little.

"No. You did nothing wrong and weren't nagging. Just like you said, you were just caring." He tells me.

We stand there with the water cascading down my back while looking at one another and then he smiles as do I before he tells me something I wasn't sure at first if he was serious and or if I even had heard him right.

"Jayne, I love you."

Everything in that moment stopped. Did he just say what I think he said? Oh my god, he did.

"I love you too." I replied with a smile and wrapped both my arms around his neck as he wrapped me in his arms and our bodies skin to skin now and felt like nothing in the world mattered to me other than us.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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