CHAPTER 29: Jayne

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Just him holding me felt good. Everything went away in that moment.

He had told me that he wasn't going to leave my side anymore (except for of course, classes) but said he'd always be waiting right outside of each one for me.

I felt safe and secure. We even made sure that either he would stay the night at my place some nights and or I would stay the night over at his.

Tonight I was going to stay at his place, so I went home to pack some things and noticed that the car wasn't in the driveway. Which was more than fine with me since that meant nobody was home.

I quickly began heading up to my room as I had Wade wait for me in the car and hurried to start packing when all of a sudden, I heard my door open a little.

Right away I felt the air thicken as fear coarsed through my entire body and knew right away it wasn't Wade.

Right when I turned around, I saw it was Clay?

"Going somewhere?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow and smirk.

I wasn't going to be afraid. I can always scream for Wade.

"Yeah. I'm staying with Wade for a few nights." I tell him while I finish putting the last few pieces of clothing into my bag.

"You really ought to be careful. Being around him can become very dangerous for you." He warns.

"I'm sure it will but, I will always have him there." I tell him.

"Pathetic really, don't you think?" He asks me sarcastically with a smug look upon his face.

"What is? The fact that you fear your own cousin? Or maybe it's out of pure jealousy that you hate Wade because you both know he is a better man and Sorcerer than either of you two will EVER be? " I mention while grabbing my bags.

His lips became tight and his nostrils began to flare with his fists tightly placed at his side.

"It's pathetic how you think he will always be there to protect you." He scoffs. "You humans believe in so many fairy tales and get caught up in your 'ever afters' you never see it coming." He smirks.

"Go fuck yourself!" I tell him while trying to walk past him when all of a sudden, I feel him grab my arm to turn me and face him while squeezing so tightly to the point I felt he was going to tear it off.

"Listen, you fat bitch! You will learn to respect me and my cousin! Otherwise, after we get rid of your little boyfriend, we may...." He stops as soon as I interrupt him and yank my arm from his grasp.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I immediately fired back at him. "Now do yourself a favor and watch yourself before Wade comes in here along with his friends and they teach you a lesson." I smirked.

"Trust me, he wouldn't have enough strength since he just recently learned about his abilities. So really, it would be more like me teaching them and YOU a lesson." He grins.

"Fuck you!" I told him then turned to start walking down the stairs when I felt the ground disappear from beneath my feet and I was now floating in the air.

Soon after I was in the air, I immediately felt  a tightening around my throat and cutting off my air supply. I couldn't speak. Terror flowed throughout my body as I felt every second of my life slip away.

Suddenly, everything went to black and then.......nothing.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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