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That was interesting-she was real interesting. I can't believe I never took the time to get to know her.

After heading back though, I right away headed into the RV and got ready to lay down when a couple moments later, I heard the door open up and in walked Jimmy and Rocky.

"So...." Jimmy begins.

"So, what?" I asked.

"So what did you and that Jayne girl talk about?" He asks.

"None of your business." I reply.

"Alright. Alright." He says while hiding his hands up in surrender.

I let out a breath of frustration and then told them that I had planned taking her for a ride tomorrow.

"That'll be cool. She seems like a nice girl." Rocky comments.

"Yeah." I tell him before going to sleep.

The Next Morning

After waking up this morning and getting ready putting on my riding gear, I head outside and start making my way towards her tent after noticing she wasn't one of the few people who were up and riding already as everything me else slept.

When I got several feet away from her tent I stopped as soon as I noticed her unzip her door and as soon as she got up, she hadn't looked at me until she zipped up her tent and turned around.

She too stopped when she saw me. Which I have to say, with her hair in braided pigtails and a hoodie as well as a pair of jeans, damn, she looked great with those jeans hugging her curves.

"Good morning." I greet her with a smile.

"Morning." She says a little shyly while tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Have you had any breakfast yet?" I ask.

"I did." She replies.

"Good! Ready for some fun?" I ask with a smirk.

"Okay." She replies with a small smile.

While making our way towards the four wheel quad near the RV, I started wondering why I never paid as much attention to her before or try to get to know her sooner than now.

"Alright, here is a helmet for you to wear. We're gonna take a ride on the quad here." I mention as I hand it to her.

"Okay." She replies with a nod and puts her helmet on.

Next she gets on behind me and puts her hands on my sides-she is so cute. Then I put her arms around my waist to allow her to have a better grip.

"Now hold on tight." I tell her before starting up the quad and then start taking off at a good slow and comfortable speed then begin  picking up the speed some more.

She seems to quickly get real comfortable with everything as I feel her grip not feel so much like a 'death grip' anymore.

We go up steep sand dunes and down steep ones also and end up riding for a good few hours before we start heading back so I could place more fuel in it.

I won't lie, it felt good to have somebody behind me with their arms around me.

Once we pulled beside my RV, I saw that the guys were out riding after noticing the dirt bike and dune buggy were gone.

After we got off, she handed me her helmet and I saw something I wasn't sure she was capable of doing.......She smiled.

She has a beautiful smile and needs to do it more often. It suits her more.

"Thanks for that. It was a lot of fun." She tells me.

"I'm glad. We'll go riding later also." I wink at her.

"Sure." She replies.

"Want to come inside the RV? I don't know about you but I got real thirsty and hungry after that ride." I mention.

"Uhm..." She starts.

"You don't have to." I chuckled.

"Okay." She says.

I'm not exactly sure why her saying that made me feel the way I did-all giddy inside, but I did.

"Wow." I heard her say after she stepped inside and started looking around.

"Don't tell me you've never been in an RV before?!" I mention while opening up the fridge and grabbing us a water.

"I have. Just not this big and luxurious." She mentions.

"Oh. Well, I like to be able to shower and sleep in a decent bed while I come to the desert." I tell her as I hand her the water.

"Thank you." She replies as she starts opening the bottle.

"You're welcome." I replied. "Come on, take a seat and relax." I suggest while taking a seat.

She takes a seat a couple feet away from me and seems to be nervous a little.

I seriously wonder what her story is. Why is she so shy? Why has it taken this long for the both of us to hang out?

"You know, I don't know why I never paid much attention before." I come right out and say.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"About us, hanging out."

"It happens." She shrugs and then takes a drink of water.

Right before I say anything else, the door opens and both Jimmy and Ricky come walking in then stopping as soon as they see us.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This is the RV they stay in

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This is the RV they stay in. :)

The New Bad Boy in TownDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora