CHAPTER 40: Wade

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I blacked out. I don't remember anything past the point when I snapped at....Oh my god, I snapped at Jayne again. But for what reason?

Thick fog surrounded me as I stood somewhere in the woods. There was nobody and nothing nearby. Not even the sounds of animals or birds in the trees.

I tried to speak and call out as my body was paralyzed and I couldn't move. Then when trying to call out for help and even for Jayne, no sound came out of my mouth.

Where was I? What was going on? Was I dead? Dreaming? Is this real?

Not sure of what to make of all of this, I decided to try again to speak and move but to no prevail. Then, I finally heard the rustling of leaves and a few light cracking sounds as branches nearby were broken. Who was coming? Was it my mother? This had to be a dream.

As I began looking in front of me I noticed a dark figure slowly walking in my direction. When it started getting closer, I began to panic and have anger start to build.

Then the dark figure came through the thick fog and stood now a few feet in front of me.

"There is no need to be alarmed my boy. I have waited a very long time to meet you." He said menacingly.

I couldn't see his face as it was hidden underneath the dark hood of the thick ground lengthened cloak he was wearing.

"Who are you? Where am I? Is this is a dream?" I asked. Wait, I can talk now?

"In a way. It is a place that is in between dreaming and being awake." He states.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Your future. I am the very one who could teach you many great things. You could be ruler of all kinds. You can have anything at your fingertips. Women adore you, everyone fear you and best of all, I can even offer you immortality." He says.

"What the hell are you?" I asked.

He begins to chuckle in a disturbing and terrifying toned voice before then bowing his head, then removing his hood and looks up at me with dark red, close to black, eye color. Not to mention an older resemblance of my father.

"You..." I seethed through clenched teeth.

I quickly began to feel more and more enraged by the second and believed that if I tried hard enough, now that I am able to talk, I could try and gather up enough strength fast enough so that I can attack him.

"Not so fast." He grins. "You can try all that you want to but, believe me when I tell you that I could kill you before you even take a step forward. And frankly, I just would hate to waste such a good investment. You and I together can become the most powerful of our kinds who ever lived."

"You killed my mother. I would never turn into you! My father told me all about you and why you killed her. I swear if anything, I will show you no mercy just as you showed none to her." I threaten him.

"Your mother was nothing more than a filthy witch that wasted her talents and abilities. Of she had just played along and your father had listened to me, well, we just wouldn't be in the predicament we are now."

Suddenly, there were whispers and a couple of voices, both female. I couldn't hear or understand exactly what they were saying and then I noticed him put his hood back on.

"Remember, I know who you are and you can not prolong the inevitable. You are who you are."

That was the last thing he said as the winds and voices picked up even more before I next saw him disappear and heard an abrupt 'WAKE UP!'

That's when I immediately sat up and gasped for air while yelling and sweating all over.

Oh my god. Was that really all just a dream? Or was that a vision of what is to come? A warning?

Wait, where's Jayne? Oh god, I need to find her. I tell myself as I start to panic a little.

I had noticed I was still in my clothes so I hurried and tried to run outside of the room to look for her but noticed immediately the door was locked.

What the fuck?! Why the hell is this door locked?!

I then begin looking for the lock but there was nothing there except for the outline of what a skeleton key would be able to fit?! Seriously?! I'm no criminal or rogue..... Oh, wait, that's right. I know why they kicked me in here.

My head began flooding with memories of what happened and I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I need to fix this. I need to understand what this is. I need more information about what my grandfather had cursed me with and if I can have it removed.

However, I can't be without my Jayne. I need to be near her.

I suddenly heard a knock at the door.

"Wade? It's your father." I hear him say.

Okay, if I play it cool, then I can have him open the door and I can bolt past him to Jayne.

"Yes?" I replied.

"May I please come in son?" He asks.

"Yes." I replied.

I next began to hear the doorknob move and  the door open.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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