CHAPTER 50: Wade

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Although I didn't mind helping everyone fight the people my grandfather had brought with him, the moment I noticed my grandfather nearly killing my father, that is when I snapped.

I immediately was infuriated and since I didn't see Jayne anywhere or my Aunt and had assumed they had thankfully gone to someplace safe, I quickly became more angry than I have ever been in my life.

Right away I leaped in the air towards my grandfather who right away threw my father through the front window of the house and snapped his head towards me with his dark eyes and grotesque looking evil features.

Before I could get near him and was about to throw a ball of fire at him, he immediately gripped onto my neck tightly with invisible force, causing me to immediately feel the air in me lessening by the second.

I didn't want to die. I WASN'T going to allow this asshole to kill me. I couldn't leave Jayne.  Although I am struggling to try and break free from his grasp, I feel myself wasting my strength as I quickly become weaker and weaker.

Then suddenly, something happens out of nowhere and everything goes silent as soon as this huge invisible force field of wind, blows everywhere, causing everybody to stop fighting and knocks them either out of the house or throws them hard against the walls.

It also seemed to have forced my grandfather to let go of me, making me fall onto the floor hard and cough while trying to catch my breath.

Then as I sit myself up, I notice Jayne is standing several feet across from me and looks like what I was told of how I am when I get that upset-I was terrified.

She seemed to have been the one who threw the strong gust of wind and was staring at my grandfather while he was struggling getting up off the floor as it seemed like he was hurt.

He scooted back a little until while looking at Jayne with.....fear?!?

She began walking towards him menacingly and I didn't even pay attention to anyone else around us. All of my attention was fully on her as I became instantly intrigued as to what she was going to do. While being a tiiiiny bit scared.

"How did you get to be.....but, I took that all from you?" My grandfather tells her.

She stops a few feet away from him and tilts her head to the side before grinning with her dark eyes still looking at him. Next, she literally jams her hand into his chest and we all hear him let out a loud gutteral growl and yell out in excruciating pain, making the entire house shake.

Next, she rips out something from his chest and at first it looked like a red flamed ball of fire but when the flames began to die down, his body goes limp and falls back on the floor.

I was a little afraid to move, not knowing how she was going to react to me and if she would be the same way I was when I got that way the other day and she had to bring me back.

I immediately looked around and saw that all of the people who came with my grandfather here, were either dead or severely injured.

I tried to wince in pain quietly while trying to slowly getting up off the floor, but she heard me and snapped her head in my direction.

I can't show her fear. I need to be strong like she was with me. So I swallow the big lump in my throat and started to cautiously walk up to her.

"Jayne?" I start.

She continued looking at me without blinking, moving or saying anything.

"Baby? Baby, come back to me. It's okay." I cautiously try and get a few steps closer towards her, afraid she might snap at any moment.

However, as I work up enough courage to touch the side of her face while not breaking eye contact, she doesn't attack me or flinch or try to stop me. Instead, she closes her yes as she lays more into my hand and smiles before I begin noticing her open her eyes and see that she is herself again.

This moment right here and now makes me not even think about the pain or anything else-just her.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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