EPILOGUE: 2 Years Later......

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So much has happened. Things that I have tried to make sense of. Things I still find hard to believe. But they did happen.

Never have I thought much about my future and it holding something as great as it does since the day I met the new bad boy in town.

Who would have thought there was more to him than just being a rich kid. He turned out not to be even human.

It has been years since I felt like I was part of a family-a REAL family.

Two years have now passed by since my life changed forever. When everything was over and we all healed, Aunt Elizabeth and Wade's father had gone straight to the council to explain what happened and to cast judgement, followed by the correct punishment for those who followed his grandfather to kill us all that night. All the ones who still were alive were punished.

Ever since my sister left that day, I never spoke or saw her again. When Wade and I had returned back home to finish school and graduate, she wasn't there. In fact, I had overheard the town talk about her up and leaving with of course, at no surprise, MY inheritance.

Good riddance though! It sucks but at the end of the day, I was already rich. I had an amazing boyfriend and a new family that cared and loved me. But most importantly, I had confidence in myself and my self- esteem was undeniably the most I had ever had for myself before. It felt great. Not to mention almost a year after Wade and I had graduated, we got married. We had a beautiful wedding.

Once we graduated high school and before getting married, both Wade and I made a decision to head back to England and live with his Aunt and his father until we could find our own place.

It was great though because we had learned so much more from them both and one of the best things of all, was that both Wade and his father had seemed to start a new relationship together and it seemed to be going great.

Today was a big day for the both of us. Today was going to be the beginning of a brand new chapter to our lives.....well, hopefully. It all came down to the results.

My stomach was in knots. I felt nervous and a little queasy as I waited for the timer on my phone to go off and I find out something that I wasn't entirely sure yet I was ready for.

While lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly taken out of them the moment I heard the timer go off and right as I swiped the alarm to 'off', I next looked down at the pink stick.

This plastic pink strip that I had peed on was going to determine if rather or not I was going to be a mom and Wade a father.

Was I ready? Was he ready? After all, we had already mentioned before that we wanted kids but, we wanted to be married a while before that happened.

Yet, on the other hand, it's not always a 'planned' thing. Well, here's the moment of truth I guess. So I took in a deep breath and let it out before picking it up.


I have been gone for the last week trying to 'apprentice' a friend of my dad's and I have missed being away from my wife.

My god, I might never get used to saying that.

I love the crazy turnaround my life has taken since Jayne. It has taken an unexpected turn that nobody could have predicted and to top it all, my father and I have started a new relationship and things have been going great so far.

After I got out of the cab that I had pick me up at the airport, I grabbed my bag and quickly sprinted into the house, dropping my bag at the door to run upstairs and see Jayne.

Right as soon as I barged in through the bedroom door, I stopped abruptly in my tracks as I noticed Jayne standing in front of the full-length mirror with the bottom of her shirt lifted up, looking at her stomach. Then quickly rolls down her shirt the moment I came in.

"Jayne? Are you alright?" I asked her hoping she wasn't criticizing her body as I know she still has been struggling with that lately for some reason.

She turns around to look at me and seems to have tears in her eyes then quickly throws her arms around me.

"I've missed you." She tells me.

I hold her tightly and start kissing her before shaving her look at me.

"I've missed you too but, baby, why were you looking at yourself in the mirror? I thought we were doing better with that?"

"I have. And I wasn't judging myself-I promise." She tries telling me with a smile.

"Then why were you...." I started to ask but was cut off by her.

"I'm pregnant." She tells me.

I was shocked. Surprised. Speechless even. Did she just say what I thought she said?!

I notice she's looking away from me and when I turn her chin to look at me, I am confused as to why she has tears in her eyes and looks nervous.

"Why are you crying?" I ask.

"Because, because I was nervous about a lot of things after I found out and I especially was a little worried as to what you would think because we have talked about having kids but we're wanting to wait...." She began to say but I had to stop her.

I gently begin caressing the side of her face and wipe away her tears before leaning in and kissing her then leaning my forehead against hers.

"I love you. And nothing would make me happier than to become a father." I assure her with a smile.

She looks at me and smiles back then gives me a kiss and we end up making love before laying there in each other's arms and falling asleep.

I can't believe I am going to be a father. What's MORE exciting about that though is that SHE is going to be the mother. I guess there truly is a such thing as a happily ever after.

                             The End

Well guys, that is it for this one. And although I will be posting a sneek peek to the original version idea for the title, 'The Bad VS The Innocent'.  I will be posting the first chapter for the new story, 'The Elder's Son.' Enjoy and see you for that story, which will be posted today!! :):)

The New Bad Boy in TownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant