CHAPTER 7: Jayne

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Oh shit!! You have GOT to be kidding me!?! How is this even possible that Wade is here?! Alright, now I am wishing that I had just faked a fever or something to stay home. This is the last thing I need.

After catching him looking at me, I stopped eating. I don't like eating in public anyways in general but my sister wanted to make sure I did as well as her boyfriend, Clay.

And since I have been wanting to eat better, I figured I would select no chips or sodas or any carbs.

Then my sister had leaned over close to my ear and told me to head back towards the car to grab the tent I was going to sleep in and to set things up for myself since her and Clay were sleeping in the RV Camper he had his friends have all set up for them before we got here.

I didn't care about sleeping in the tent and to be honest, I was okay being able to have the privacy.

I would have to also say that I was grateful that she had mentioned me to do it when she did because I was feeling embarrassed to see that Wade and his friends were not only here but seemed to know everybody here. In which doesn't surprise me.

I tried to go on my phone and google in how to set up the tent and while watching the video, I was startled suddenly by a familiar voice.

"Need some help?" Wade asks.

He couldn't possibly be talking to me right?
'Of course he is dummy.' I tell myself.

"Uh, no thanks. I've got it." I tell him.

"Well, I bet I can set this up a lot faster than you doing it yourself while watching a video." He chuckles.

I hadn't realized I was standing there just looking at him not saying anything until I hear him say something else.

"Here. I'll set it up." He smiles at me and starts to take the poles out and tosses the material aside while connecting the poles and just as he said lime that, a few minutes later, he had set my tent up.

I was impressed. Then again, I guess he would know how to since I'm sure he does this all the time.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"Sure." He replies and sticks his hands both in his front pockets and slowly walks and stands a few feet in front of me.

"So, that's your sister back there?" He asks.

"Yes. Her boyfriend invited us out here." I replied.

"Do you ride?" He asks me.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you ride?" He repeats with a chuckle.

"Oh, no. I actually have never been camping at the desert here before and never been on a dirt bike or dune buggies or a quad. I don't really like the desert." I answered.

"Really? Then why are you here?" He asks curious.

"Because I didn't have a choice." I tell him.

My god, why am I telling him anything?!?

"Oh, well, it's actually pretty nice out here. Although it gets really hot during the day, at night, it can get really cold, so I hope you brought enough blankets." He mentions.

"I did." I reply.

We both stood there for a moment and felt things begin to feel awkward as neither one of us said anything.

"You know, I know we don't know each other really but why don't I meet you after you wake up and have some breakfast, and I take you for a ride?" He suggests with a smirk.

"Why?" I asked (like an idiot).

"Because I want you to have fun and since it is your first time being here at the desert, might as well get the full experience on how much fun it can be." He winks.

Why is he being nice to me all of a sudden and wanting to hang out with me? Why is he choosing now rather than trying to do that back at school? Something doesn't feel right about it. Why would he be so nice and caring at a random time like this?

"I'll think about it." I replied.

"Okay. That's fair." He nods.

Before he gets ready to turn and walk away, I stop him.

"Wait!" I shout.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I ask him.

He stands there looking at me for a moment and then starts to smile.

"Because I want to get to know you. I know it seems weird because I could have done it already back at school since I have moved here but I didn't and since we're both here, I thought this would be a good time." He smiles and winks at me.

"Goodnight Jayne." He tells me before turning on his heels and then walking away.

I stand there watching him and think to myself, is this really happening? The badboy of the school wants to get to know me?

What if this is all a big joke or he is doing it out of sympathy? What if we do hang out, will he act like he doesn't know me at school and continue ignoring me like usual whenever around the popular kids?

I'm too tired right now to be honest, to think about any of that. I'm just going to go to bed and see how I feel in the morning. Because maybe he is being genuine?.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

He better be genuine. 😡

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