CHAPTER 32: Wade

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Thank God Jayne has a sister that won't really care enough about her to where she doesn't feel she needs to question her about where she is at or anything.

Last night before we went to bed, she used the phone in our bedroom to contact her sister and her sister bought whatever she told her.

Jayne's eighteenth birthday is next week (actually, more like in a few days) and also will be when she gets to get her inheritance.

However, for the moment, we need to find out more information and figure out what we are going to do.

We all headed downstairs after getting ready for the day and met in the living room.

My Aunt was sitting in her armchair that was right next to the fireplace and started telling us first, how she already contacted the school and let them know there was a family emergency and they mentioned they could do their finals on the computer through a few zoom sessions in the next few days. Then she started explaining things.

"I want to start off apologizing to you, Wade. It tore me and everybody here apart after your mother made us swear not to interfere in your life until it was the right time." She states.

"She what?" I asked in shock. It doesn't sound like something my mother would have suggested.

"She only did it because she knew it would make her situation worse with your father. She made us all promise to watch over you but, unless absolutely necessary, we could not interfere."

"I don't understand. I mean, I know my father doesn't accept this life and has always wanted to be human but still, what could he have possibly done that was worse than what I had endured my whole life? What made you all fear him?"

"Trust me, we never feared him. We did it out of respect for your mother's final wishes. Although, the way she sounded when she told us about your father's temper before, that also helped us not interfere. Which is why we sent Jimmy and Rocky to be with you." She mentions as she looks at them both.

"I can't believe this." I mumble.

"Please, Wade. Don't be upset with your father. Although he is an asshole, this entire time, he believed deep down he was protecting you. You see, him and your mother were born into this life. They did not have a choice and yet, that is exactly what your father wanted you to have. Yes, he did go about it in the wrong way, but his intentions overall were always for your best interest." She says.

"That's no excuse for not telling me or for allowing me to endure pain-physical pain that night I saw my mother in a dream! I snapped. I quickly felt Jayne take hold of my hand and it helped calm me down a lot.

"I am sorry for leaving you to deal with all of this and for not staying in contact. We ALL are sorry for that. But you do have a choice and should you decide to choose to embrace your abilities and gifts, we will help you. No matter what you decide, we will never leave you again." She says with sincerity in her voice and so much guilt in her eyes.

I try and think for a few moments about some things and then look at her again, then Rocky and Jimmy and then at Jayne.

Looking at her right now has me thinking harder than ever because she is a part of my life now and I am hoping always will be that whatever decision I do make, it has to include her. I then next look back up at Aunt Elizabeth.

"What happens to Jayne? How will this all work? Do I stay forever at this age or grow older slower than her because she's human?  What are the disadvantages?" I ask.

She looks at Jayne then back at me before replying.

"Well, just as vampire's and wolves mark their mates, it is a similar process. It's less painful than their process and has some advantages to the process, if you decide to be with him." She looks at Jayne while saying the last part.

"That didn't exactly answer my question." I repeated.

She takes in a breath then let's it out before answering.

"Yes. You will grow older slower than her and she will be at many disadvantages. Including aging. So you will watch her grow older and eventually...." She stops herself.

She didn't have to continue to finish. I knew what she was trying to say and I frankly didn't want to hear it or have Jayne listen to it either.

Now I truly felt guilty because really, I am asking so much from Jayne. So really, our future together mostly rested in her hands and what she decides to do.

Whatever it is, I don't care as long as, once again, I am with her in the end.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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