CHAPTER 16: Wade

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Did all of that just happen? It couldn't have. She never even heard me out and fuck me, this hurts. I can't accept her not at least hearing me out before making a decision.

I mean, I understand she's upset and clearly had just gone through hell but I am into her more than I have ever been in to anybody and REFUSE to let her go.

Throughout the rest of the day, I started trying to think of the different ways I could try and get her to talk to me without upsetting her more.

It took a lot of thinking and some research until I finally came up with some suggestions.

Later on tonight, Jimmy and Rocky had dates while I went to the movie theater to try and see Jayne. 

When I arrived, I went by a flower kiosk that was there and found it really hard to decide which flowers to grab, because I don't know her favorite ones and not sure if she's allergic or not.

I thought of maybe buying her a necklace but wasn't sure if she cared for jewelry or what kind such as gold or silver. My god, why does this have to be so hard?

The guy at the kiosk thankfully noticed me struggling and after explaining my situation, he had suggested a bouquet he had grabbed and handed over to me saying these were great 'sorry' flowers. So I paid for them and then made my way over to the theater.

Once I got there, I right away began looking around for her and couldn't find her and knew the only way that I would be able to step in any further was to buy a ticket. So I picked the next showing to some random movie and began walking around.

I then decided to take a seat at one of the benches in the middle of the lobby to wait until I saw her.

It took a while before I finally looked up and saw her walking out from the back of the snack bar and she looked so beautiful and cute in her outfit with her hair back in a bun with strands of hair hanging out.

Right away she looked to have jumped right into her job because she signed in to one of the registers and was talking with her co-worker as they started taking orders from the people in line.

Okay, I have a chance possibly, although I don't want to interrupt her while she's working.

Then again, on the other hand, she can't say 'no' to a customer.

After a moment of deliberation with myself, I decided to get in line and then finally when it was my turn, I couldn't help but some at her.

She looked at me surprised and then quickly changed to being upset.

"Hi." I greet her.

"What can I get you Sir?" She asks.

"I'd like a few minutes of your time." I mention.

She just shakes her head before looking back at me.

"Sir, either you order something or please leave the line so that somebody else can." She states.

Fine. If this is how she wants to do this, then so be it.

"Okay. I would like a pretzel with mustard, nachos, medium coke, sour patch kids, and a small popcorn. Oh and actually, some red vine licorice please. No wait...." I tell her as she tries hurrying typing the order into the computer and looks up at me when I tell her to 'wait.'

"Sorry, instead of the licorice, I think I'll try the new Jalapeno Poppers." I grin after telling her the last part because that would mean she has to heat them up in the little commercial oven they got recently and it would take a moment. Plus getting the rest of my items will take a little when too.

She starts to glare at me a little bit then closes her eyes and takes a breath before finishing typing that all in.

"Will that be all Sir?" She asks.

"For now." I winked at her.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head before giving me the total and that's when I showed the flowers I had hidden beside me so I could surprise her.

She looked surprised and then looked as if she wanted to smile but fought it back.

"You have to pay with real money." She tells me.

"Of course. I just thought I'd give you a tip." I smile at her.

I can tell she wants to smile and is close to cracking one and bites her lower lip a little.

She next takes my credit card and swipes it before handing it back to me.

"Please wait over there at the end of the counter where the condiments are. It'll take a few minutes for your poppers to be ready." She says.

"Okay." I tell her before making my way down there and wait while leaning up against the wall.

She is so cute and so beautiful. I can't wait to call her mine and to tell everybody.

I refuse to leave here tonight without her hearing me out and making her mine.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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