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It took a good few hours for us to reach the desert and it ended up being perfect timing.

The sun was still out for another couple of hours and I wanted to get some riding in before the sun went down.

We hurried and unloaded everything and then some people came up to us and introduced themselves.

That is one of the cool things in coming to the desert, you meet interesting people sometimes.

We got everything all set up with the trailer I had hitched to the back of my truck and then got our bikes out.

Jimmy and Rocky also got suited up and ready to ride as well.

Throughout the next couple of hours and just as the sun started going down, we rode up and down all the sand dunes and I have to admit that this was a real great idea coming out here. I really feel like I can get away and cleary head more.

When we got back, I took a shower and noticed the people who had come up to us when we arrived, they motioned for us to join them and the huge group of people that were all sitting around, laughing, listening to music and having a good time while they grilled some burgers and hot dogs.

Jimmy, Rocky and I all started getting to know people and it was nice not being around anyone from school. It's almost like this was my escape and secret place that I could keep separate from them.

This girl and I started talking with each other for a little while and she seemed real cool. Then right as I started taking a drink from my water bottle, I noticed out the corner of my eye somebody I had thought would be the LAST person I'd see here......Jayne?

I definitely didn't think of her as a desert type of a girl. The girl I was talking to snapped her fingers in front of my face to take me out of the sudden trance I was in. So I quickly shake my head and look back at the girl.

"Sorry. You were saying?" I asked.

"Ugh. Nevermind." She rolls her eyes in annoyance then starts walking off.

When I looked back at where Jayne was, I noticed she was smiling a little and looked as though she didn't even want to be here.

She looked cute and shy, to be honest. She seemed to not care in making much eye contact with anyone either while the guy and girl introduced her to some people. I didn't take her as a 'social' type person neither.

Throughout the next several minutes since she arrived though, the guy that was grilling for all of us called out to everyone it was ready and right away everybody started making their way towards the tables of food.

My friends and I started making our way over there and I happened to look over to my right and see Jayne putting dabs of food on her plate. A hot dog and burger patty- both without buns. Then she places some vegetables on her plate also before grabbing a water and walking off to the side where the people she had come with were seated around a fire that a few guys were building for everybody.

"Hey, ain't that the girl from the school and the grocery store?" Jimmy asks.

That's right. I almost forgot about that incident and how they commented on chips or something and that somehow seemed to make her upset.

Then it hit me. Shit! I hope she didn't take it the wrong way and is feeling self conscious.

After making our plates and grabbing some drinks, we walked over towards the fire and sat across from where she was sitting at and I wasn't sure if she would ever make eye contact and take a look around then see me.

However, just as I finished thinking that and took a bite of my burger, I noticed her look up for a moment and she saw me.

The expression on her face looked surprised but not in a good way. She quickly looked away and seemed to have become a bit more nervous.

Next I noticed the girl sitting beside her who she had come with was telling her something that made her nod and stand up before turning and walking towards their car.

I take it that's her sister too because they look alike in a way.

I don't know why I am suddenly intrigued by Jayne but I am.

Next chapter will be posted! :)

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