CHAPTER 49: Jayne

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What just happened?! Did we just witness a possession or something?! Is that even possible?!

I guess it didn't matter really at the moment, because as of right now, shit was about to hit the fan as we heard the front door was busted down and standing there was Wade's grandfather along with many others behind him.

This was really happening I guess. Looked like we were going to start the fight now.

Wade's father stood in front of us, glaring at his father.

"I should have known you would play this dirty." Wade's dad says.

"This all could have been avoided. If you only had been the son I always wanted and had let me teach you." Wade's grandfather grins mischievously at him. "Then together we could have helped teach YOUR son."

"Fuck you." He talks back to him, bravely.

That's when Wade's grandfather chuckled before looking at me and Wade.

"This must be him." He grins even more as he begins taking steps towards us.

"Don't go near them." Wade's father warns him by stepping again, in front of us.

"We both knew this day was going to come. Unfortunately, since you decided to wait this long, things have become a little more complicated, but he will learn from the best." Wade's grandfather remarks.

"That will never happen." Wade's father states.

"Have it your way then." Wade's grandfather says.

Suddenly, things became quickly out of hand as both Wade's father and grandfather began going at it while everyone he brought with him, including Clay, along with the people here who are helping us, started to go at it as well.

Punches were thrown and I honestly began freaking out the most when everyone started using magic.

I had tried quickly to help move Aunt Elizabeth out the way but she seemed to be already struggling to sit up from off the floor, holding her head and groaning in pain. She starts wincing as she moves more to try and stand up and I quickly grab her arm and start trying to pull her through the secret passage way that lead straight towards a hidden 'safe' room she had told me about.

However, out of nowhere, I felt two strong arms tightly grab me around the waist then lift me up and threw me hard against the wall.

"Ahh!" I winced in pain while struggling to lift myself up off the ground.

I try and see who the hell just did all of that and notice it's Clay, who now is standing over Elizabeth and not sure in what he is about to do to her, I don't take any chances and quickly remember how to work up a blue flamed ball in my hand fast and throw it towards him.

The minute it hits him, he immediately flies through the kitchen and through the two walls that divide the kitchen and some other room before he falls hard onto the ground outside.

Aunt Elizabeth seems to be more alert and a little better as she begins getting up fast and as soon as I to her she looks at me and grabs my face.

"Go and help everybody else. I'll take care of Clay." She tells me.

"No. I can take him." I assure her. "Besides, you aren't one hundred percent better."

"Do as I say, NOW!" She tells me more assertively.

I couldn't understand why she wanted me to go help the others and not finish with Clay, but I also knew better than to argue with her, especially with not much time left. So I just turn around and start making my way towards the big fight still going on.

Looking around, I had tried looking for Wade, his father and the grandfather. It took a while but as I made my way through the brawls happening, I finally spotted Wade's grandfather and noticed he had Wade raised in the air by pure force, without touching him and mouthing something.

I couldn't tell exactly in what he was mouthing but all I knew was that Wade looked to be struggling as he wriggled around trying to break free from the hold his grandfather seemed to have Around his neck.

I was freaking out but had only one choice and one second to decide my next move......and that's when I chose to go all in, just as Aunt Elizabeth had taught me that she warned me to allow to happen, ONLY if absolutely necessary because just like Wade, I can get just as angry as he does, maybe even worse.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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