Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"YOU HAD A DATE AND DIDNT TELL ME!?? Rosie, what the hell! I'm supposed to know these big events in your life!"

"Well, telling you just kind of slipped my mind." I said because it was true.

"Okay, we'll tell me everything about them and this date you went on." I could hear her smile through the phone.

"Well her name is y/n and she's the greatest person on the planet..."

We ended up being on the phone for 2 hours as I told her every detail of the date and everything about the girl who stole my heart, y/n.


I felt something crawl on my bed so I just groaned and started to drift back to sleep. But then I heard breathing, causing me to gain interest in whatever, or whoever, joined me on my bed. I opened one eye and staring right back at me only a few inches away was Jennie. I got scared because it didn't register in my head that it was her, so I tried to get up as quickly as I could and ended up slamming my head against hers.

"Ow! What the fuck!" She yelled, rubbing her forehead. I heard laughter coming from behind her and leaned my head to the side to see who it was and also standing there was Lisa and Jisoo. I pointed at them,

"And what the fuck are you two doing here?!" I yelled at them.

"Y/n, shut the fuck up, this is interrogation time." Lisa said turning off my light and closing the blinds so the room was dark. I mumbled an 'are you fucking kidding me' under my breath and rolled my eyes. I knew I would just have to go along with all this, so I let it happen.

A bright light was shone on my face right at my eyes, which made me groan out in protest.

"Jisoo, you're not supposed to fucking blind her, give me that." Jennie said yanking the light from her and putting it at an angle where I don't go blind.

"Now y/n, we are only going to ask you this one time: tell us everything about that date last night." Jennie said in a low voice. My face contorted into the 'what the fuck' look and I yelled at them,

"This is what this is all about! Are you kidding me?! I was going to text you guys to come over later and I would tell you about it! But you guys literally like broke into my home and are basically holding me hostage."

"I wouldn't say holding hostage, more like under our control." Lisa said.

"Girl..." Jisoo said, smacking Lisa upside the head.

"Why the hell did I even bring you two idiots along," Jennie huffed out, "ANYWAY, tell us everything about the date." Jennie demanded excitedly.

"I will if you get this damn light out of my face and not make me feel like a prisoner." I shot back.

"Fine," Jennie gave the light to Lisa who panicked for a few seconds with it and ended up placing it on the ground, "now we will give you space and you will say every minuscule detail about last night. We all had to fight the urge not to show up at 1am, so be thankful."

"Wow I'm so thankful." I said sarcastically.

"Y/n, if I hear one more sarcastic comment from you, I swear to god–" Jennie started.

"OKAY, so last night. After I walked Rosie home I told her that Jisoo would bring over her outfit,"

"Wait, so Jisoo knew about your plan?!?" Jennie screamed.

"NO, she only gave her the box with the outfit for Rosie. She didn't even know what was inside." I told Jennie.

"Oh... continue."

"Well, i'll tell you where I took Rosie last night because the outfit obviously goes along with it. There was the 18th annual 50's dance at the city over and I took her there," I heard the collective 'awe' come from them, "So her outfit obviously needed to fit the theme. I was a greaser and I got her the iconic Marilyn Monroe white ivory dress."

"No WAY!" Lisa shouted.

"That's literally the most iconic thing ever!" Jisoo followed.

"Holy shit, she must've loved that." Jennie said leaning back in my desk chair.

"She did. I saw when I helped her study for the first time that she had the picture of Marilyn Monroe on her desk, so I knew she liked the dress. And when I arrived and saw her in it," I paused and remembered the moment, "it was like she was radiating confidence and she looked absolutely gorgeous. She had a bold red lip too, and white stilettos. God, she was everything last night."

"You are so head over heels for her." Jisoo said with a grin. I nodded and continued,

"So we drove to the venue and got out pictures taken," I reached over to my nightstand drawer and opened it, revealing the pictures from last night. I handed them to the three so they could look at them as I continued, "After we took the photos, we danced throughout the night and then the final dance came."

"Wait, the picture of her kissing you on the cheek is the cutest thing I have ever seen." Jennie squealed. Lisa looked over her shoulder to look at it,

"Wow, you two look so good there. That better be the final picture in your guys' wedding slideshow." Lisa said with a smile. I blushed,

"I know, it's my favorite too. But the song for the final dance was 'Can't Help Falling In Love'," I saw all of them freeze and look at me, "we danced slowly to the song and then at the end, I kissed her had and told her how I hope I picked a good first date. Then she pulled me into a kiss to stop my rambling."

A mess of screaming and complete chaos was all I heard.

The chapter you have been waiting for from me today lol. hope u all liked it and are liking the story. i also have no clue on how long this book is gonna be, for all i know it could get close to 100 chapters.... ANYWAY I LOVE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU SO MUCH <3

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