" l don't even know you" Josh says as he pulls me closer than l already was.

"Yes you do my love we kissed in front of the bathroom remember?" She says making the puppy doll eyes and now l am nauseous someone bring me a bucket never mind l will just puke on her dress.

"It was two years ago l don't even know your name" Josh defends himself. Of course the blonde bitch he was kissing was selena how come l never notice it oh maybe it's because HALF OF HER FACE WAS INSIDE HIS MOUTH.

"My name is Sophie" she beams at him is she dumb? He didn't ask for her name...... or did he? Am l the dumb one?

"I don't care now get out of my sight you already wasted a lot of our time" He says and swings his arm around me and Selena glares at me.

"Bye Selena" l says as Josh basically drags me out of their before l could kill that bitch.

"For the last time its Sophie!" She yells at me and l nod while smiling even though l am smiling l am mad at Josh.

"Oh how nice of you Miss brooks to finally join us 10 minutes left before the class ends but now that we have seen your face our day will be great" The math teacher Mr. Rivers says sarcastically and no one pays attention some roll their eyes some are busy talking to each other two are sleeping and the teacher's pet laughs while agreeing with the teacher.

"Yeah thanks" l say as l go and take my sit.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

My phone starts vibrating as someone spams me with texts.

Josh: Are you mad??

I may or may not have unblocked him after 2 years.

Josh: ANSWER ME!!!

Josh:did you know people who stay mad at someone else for a long time then they get chickenpox???

Josh:  even though l know you will still look hot with shit all over your face l still don't want that.

Josh: lm thinking the best for you and your skin and you still can stay mad at me?!?!

Josh: babe come on you know that kiss didn't mean shit none of them except yours :))))))


Josh: l know you are reading these!


Josh: l am literally two seconds away from bursting into your math class

Me: lm not mad...

Josh: Phew at least you replied

Josh: And l know you are mad but don't be please?

Me: lm rolling my eyes rn

Josh: And l am thinking about kissing you rn

Me: oml you are such a flirt

Josh:only with you *wink*

Me: lm again rolling my eyes

Josh: And lm thinking of.......

Me: ok l know what are you going to say and l advice you to shut up

Josh: l was about to say lm thinking of cars why what did you think? *smirk*

Josh: Cause you know l can make your imagination come true.

Me: Shut up oml you should get a trophy for being the smoothest flirt

Josh: You can give me the best reward

Me: *wtf face*

Josh: *kissing you face*

Me: ok lm done bye

Josh: No no no come back

Josh: Come back come back * squeaking in rose's voice"

Josh: Ash?


Josh: Babe?

Josh: My favorite person to kiss?

Me: only person*

Josh: l knew that would grab your attention

Josh: Hi :)

Me: what?

Josh: nothing l just wanted to check if your still there :))

Me: Stop smiling like a maniac

Josh: only for you :))

Me: Josh lstg

Josh: Josh lstg if you don't stop then l will kiss you so hard you will forget how to talk

Josh: there l completed your sentence:)

Josh: ur welcome baby :))

Me: You're

Josh: What?

Me: You're not ur

Josh: Seriously Ash l am trying my best to flirt with you and you're pointing out my grammatical mistakes?

Me: Josh?

Josh: Yeah?

Me: lm so proud:')

Josh: Why?:)

Me: You used you're instead of your :')

Josh: .......

Josh: *wtf face*

*Ring Ring Ring*
The bell rang telling us that the class ended.
* beep*

Josh: get out lm outside your classroom room l will walk to to ur next class

*beep beep*
Mom: Clean your room.
And here is me thinking my josh texted me *wtf face*

Yesterday l stayed up the whole night writing 4 chapters and this certain someone criticized my story sm it made my day so l decided to post a bonus chapter. :') thank you for all those insults lm forever in your debt :')

My girl Ashley is going through a character development while lm editing this

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