75| d r a m a

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Thank you for 116k-118k reads, Cadets!!

uh, im rlly supposed to do school works right now, but meh. 



"Please put down the knife," Hange said. Both of her hands, her palms in front laid out. Stepping forward among the Scouts. Mr. Braus had quite an expression on his entire face as he held the knife. She wanted him to spare the child even though she caused a scene, but she couldn't move.

It felt like she was frozen on the spot.

"Sasha was a hunter." Mr. Braus muttered. Hange let out a small gasp—confused at the sudden sentence. Alyssa ought to stagger, Armin and Mikasa immediately steadies her, asking if she has already calmed down but all she said that she was now perfectly calm—acting as if almost charging Gabi didn't happen.

He knew how to handle the knife.

"What?" Hange asked.

"Even as a wee girl, she shot varmints in the forest for us to eat. That was just our way of living." He continued to say. "But I knew there would come a day we would have to give up that style of life, so I sent Sasha away from the forest." He said.

Then she became a Cadet...

"She went into the world, became a soldier, shot people far yonder, and got herself shot." He said. His voice started to tremble—threatening to break. "In the end, even though she left our forest—" he held the knife by the blade and passed it to his wife who immediately lend out her hand and accepted the knife, "—the world is a great, big forest where everyone's fighting for their life."

"I reckon that Sasha died because she wandered in the forest too long. We've got to keep the youngsters out of the forest. Otherwise, nothing is going to stop it from happening again. That's why it's up to us adults—" he looked at Alyssa briefly, "—to shoulder the sins from the past."

"Niccolo-san, let Ben go." Mrs. Braun spoke up.

Niccolo clenched his teeth, his eyes trembled and glanced sideways to where he held the boy in his arms. He closed his eyes and dropped the boy, Mr. and Mrs. Braus immediately handled the boy—putting him down gently onto the floor. Alyssa gestured to Connie and Jean to handle Niccolo.

Alyssa took a shaky breath in and walked towards Gabi. She held her by the chin—not too harsh and yet not too gentle. Mikasa and Armin watched from afar to see what their mother will do to the child. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Gabi's face. Gabi's eyes trembled at the sight of the woman.

"Are you hurt elsewhere?" she asked.

Before she could answer, Mr. Braus called her with her alias name, 'Mia',—asking if she was okay. Alyssa only stayed there, kneeling in one knee to assess the child's injuries. Alyssa glanced up and met Armin's eyes—who raised a thumbs up on her—indicating that she was doing great with her temper.

Alyssa only rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue.

"Do you really... not hate me?" Gabi asked Mr. Braus, her voice came out as a whisper.

Alyssa heard footsteps on her left—average speed, she didn't glance nor even bothered to cock her head sideways. She heard the glinting of the knife that was picked up from the table—the same knife that Nicolo offered Mr. Braus to kill Gabi. It was picked up by Kaya—the girl who Sasha saved before.

Alyssa sighed—annoyed. She caught the wrist of the girl immediately, stopping her from stabbing Gabi to death through her head. It was inches away from her head. Kaya was breathing and panting aggressively, her eyes wide with betrayal.

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