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"How are you hanging in there?" Hange mocked Sannes as she peeled a nail from him. An earth shattering scream was again heard. Alyssa just massaged her temple and went behind Sannes, her hands pushing him forward, her hands resting on his back. Levi and Hange looked curiously.

"You know, if you ain't gonna talk," Alyssa started, positioning her fingers on his shoulder blades. She could feel him tremble against her fingers, she smirked slowly. "You're going to end up like what you did with Nick."

"If you kill me, there will be consequences." He said, his breathing uneven. Alyssa laughed like a psychotic maniac and pressed hard on his shoulders making him scream in pain, "You fucking monster!" He screamed in pain as her fingers pressed harder on his shoulders.

"Tch." Levi said out of annoyance and slapped Sannes hard, the slap echoed among the walls of the room. He wanted to slap him because he had called his woman a monster. "I don't see why we are still keeping him when he wouldn't budge. Let's just kill him." He says and was about to march forward again but Alyssa stopped him by raising her hand.

"I'll gladly receive the consequences." She whispered, her voice mocking and taunting in Sannes's ears. "And are you not tired of calling me a monster? It's not even insulting anymore come on. Step up your insulting games." She laughed and pushed the knife deeper making his breath ragged, and let out a scream that was almost a silent one.

With one last press of all of her fingers near the neck, he let out a scream of pain, as he felt numerous and continuous pain ran down his body from where she pressed down. Heh, you deserve everything we do right now you bastard.

She stepped back and let Hange do the nail removal. She nodded at Hange who stepped forward holding the pliers. She slid beside Levi who caught her by the waist and put down a single kiss in her neck to calm him down, he was calming him down so he wouldn't kill Sannes whose mouth will not tell or reveal them anything.

"I hate it when people call you that." Levi whispered at her, his voice remained in a monotone voice, their background was Sannes's screams. Hange was enjoying his earth shattering screams. His hold in her waist tightened. Alyssa did put her arm in his shoulder but she did not let her bloody fingers brush Levi, knowing how he hates filth.

"Don't." Alyssa only said. "The word 'monster' is now getting boring." She said smirking down at Sannes whose breath seemed hectic, she could see how pale Sannes was as he was tied down at the chair. "If I could handle it, baby, so should you." She whispered in his ear and placed down a soft kiss on his earlobe that made him blink in surprise and shivers ran through his body.

"Sorry, I can't peel nails as well as you." Hange retorted sarcastically, her breathing was hectic as well, a wild animal ready to pounce on her prey. And the prey was Sannes himself, a vulnerable one. Levi remained emotionless at the sight of him while his woman had a satisfying smirk etched on her lips as if she was the painter and Sannes was her work of art.

"Just how many did you peel to get so good?" Hange continued.

"Too many to count." He answered. "Within these cramped walls, do you know why a war has never broken out?" he asked suddenly out of nowhere. Alyssa crossed her arms, straightening her back as she stood elegantly like the noble she is.

You dirty your own hands to protect the peace. She thought. The irony.

"It's because the First interior Squad dirtied our hands to protect the peace." He said, his voice raspy because of the screams he just made. It was rough. Aha, I knew it. No one asked you to, if the king wasn't so fucking useless then he himself can preserve the peace.

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