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"Eh?" Alyssa asked, tilting her head a little. "Why are they here?" She asked nicely at Erwin. Eren's friends were there as well. Which made Eren also confused on why they were there. Alyssa glanced at Eren who immediately shrugged as he didn't know the reason.

"We've found a suspect who's believed to be the Female Titan." Erwin said bluntly. Alyssa's eyes widened in amusement, she was bewildered. She was thrilled at the fact that Erwin has suspicions, Alyssa also felt that she has seen the Female Titan, its human inside of it perhaps.

Eren gasped.

"We'll definitely apprehend them this time."

'Goodluck with that.' Alyssa sarcastically thought, she already has scenarios in her head that the upcoming plan will have lots of casualties. She looked at Mikasa, who was looking down as if she was shocked. Alyssa went to sit beside Levi while the others sat as well.

"Our plan is the day after tomorrow." Erwin started. He looked at Levi and Alyssa, "during our passage to the capital where we are to answer the summons at Stohess District." Alyssa only groaned, remembering that they were summoned to the Capital.

Even so, Alyssa had no idea of Erwin's plan in the first place since they kept her in the dark knowing that she would really disagree, but she was still summoned because she was Levi's second in command.

"It would be our first and last chance. If we miss it, the Capital will take custody of Eren and it'll likely become more difficult to investigate those who plot to destroy the walls."

"Consequently, the fall of mankind will draw even nearer." Erwin said with a straight face, his voice was serious. "We'll wager everything in this plan."

"Are you sure about that, Erwin?" Alyssa was the one who spoke, she dared to not call him with his title. She hated him even though he was smart as hell, before when he was still not the Commander there was just a low chance for someone to die on his side but now a lot of Scouts have fallen because he bets on everything.

"I'm sure about it, Alyssa." He said to her. Both of them stared at each other, both of their eyes showed dominance. Alyssa only smirked and put her clasped hands behind her head. She sighed.

"Here we go again." She muttered. Everyone heard her. A pang of guilt was felt by Levi, Erwin, and Eren. "I'm not going to disagree with this because I want to see who the human behind the Female Titan is after all, but I am sure that there will be a lot of casualties again." She said.

"We'll make it as low as possible." Erwin replied. Alyssa was about to argue but Levi caught her shoulder and pressed it gently, as if relaying a silent message to tell her to stop.

"The plan is as follows:" Erwin started when he noticed that Alyssa calmed down. Erwin was truly afraid of Alyssa Klideprienz, it did not matter that she was a woman. She was a strong woman who had a cunning and smart mind that can match his whenever her brain cooperated with her and that was why Erwin was scared of her. Erwin knew that she would oppose him in her own way.

And in his eyes, she had strength that he does not possess. In other words, in his eyes, she was a monster.

He then explained the route that will follow. And Eren will be acting as bait. Alyssa's eyebrows raised in surprise when Erwin said that the target was the Military Police Brigade and she glanced at Armin when Erwin mentioned that he was the one who inferred the information. And the Female Titan was also responsible for killing Sawney and Bean.

And was part of the 104th Training Corps like Eren and his friends. Eren gasped in shock as Erwin mentioned that part. Alyssa's eyes were trembling for sure.

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